孙宇光, 黄子果, 魏锟, 余锡文. 十二相整流同步发电机系统异桥相间短路的故障分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(3): 889-898. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.161252
引用本文: 孙宇光, 黄子果, 魏锟, 余锡文. 十二相整流同步发电机系统异桥相间短路的故障分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(3): 889-898. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.161252
SUN Yu-guang, HUANG Zi-guo, WEI Kun, YU Xi-wen. Analysis of Stator Internal Phase-to-Phase Short Circuit Between Different Bridge-Rectifiers in the 12-Phase Synchronous Generator With Rectifier-Load System[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2017, 37(3): 889-898. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.161252
Citation: SUN Yu-guang, HUANG Zi-guo, WEI Kun, YU Xi-wen. Analysis of Stator Internal Phase-to-Phase Short Circuit Between Different Bridge-Rectifiers in the 12-Phase Synchronous Generator With Rectifier-Load System[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2017, 37(3): 889-898. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.161252


Analysis of Stator Internal Phase-to-Phase Short Circuit Between Different Bridge-Rectifiers in the 12-Phase Synchronous Generator With Rectifier-Load System

  • 摘要: 十二相整流同步发电机系统在移动平台已得到广泛应用。出于对系统安全运行问题的全面考虑,该文分析了该系统中一种特殊的定子内部短路故障——异桥相间短路。考虑到故障相所在的两组三相绕组之间故障附加回路的特殊拓扑结构及其对整流桥换相模式的影响,该文对原有的十二相整流发电机多回路数学模型进行了扩充,用来计算异桥相间短路的定、转子绕组及整流桥直流侧负载电压、电流等电气量,并通过样机实验,验证了计算结果的准确性。基于仿真与实验结果,分析了十二相整流发电机定子绕组异桥相间短路故障的电气特点,特别指出其短路回路电流等故障量随直流侧负载电阻增大而减小,为这种特殊故障的危害评估及保护研究提供了依据。


    Abstract: The 12-phase synchronous generator-rectifierload systems have been widely used in the mobile platform. For the safe operation of the system, this paper analyzed the internal phase-to-phase short circuit fault between different bridge-rectifiers, which is a special type of the stator internal fault in the multiphase system. Considering the special topology of the additional short circuit loop between the two groups of three-phase windings where the fault is located, as well as the variation of the commutation mode of the bridge-rectifier, this paper extended the existing multi-loop mathematical model of 12-phase synchronous generatorrectifier-load system, to calculate electrical quantities including the voltages and currents of stator windings and the rotor windings, and the output voltages of the bridge-rectifiers under the faults. With the experiments on a 12 phase model machine, the accuracy of the simulation results was verified. Based on the simulation and experiment results, this paper analyzed the electrical characteristics of the stator internal phase-to-phase faults between different bridge-rectifiers in the 12-phase machine system. It is especially indicated that the currents of the short circuit loop and some phases in the AC side would decrease as the resistance of the DC load increases. This paper provides the basis for risk assessment and fault protection for the special internal faults in the 12-phase generator-rectifierload systems.


