Multi-objective Coordinative Dispatch for Wind-storage Combined Systems Considering Day-ahead Generation Schedules
摘要: 建立多时间尺度的风储发电系统协调调度模式,提出一种适用于风储联合发电系统的滚动协调调度方法。优化模型采用两阶段优化方法实现多目标决策和分层协调调度,第1阶段优化利用风电场储能系统和常规机组的协调调度最小化系统弃风电量和失负荷电量,第2阶段优化按照风电并网标准和系统调度需求在各风电场之间分配储能系统充放电任务和弃风功率。采用含3个实际风电场的IEEE 30节点系统进行仿真分析,结果表明:基于风电场滚动上报的超短期风电功率预测信息,提出的风储联合发电系统日内滚动协调调度方法能够有效减少弃风,降低系统运行成本。Abstract: This paper proposed a multi-timescale coordinative scheduling method and a coordinative rolling scheduling plan model for large-scale wind-storage combined generation power systems. A two-stage model was adopted to formulate the multi-objective optimization model and carried out the hierarchical coordination of power systems with large-scale wind power integration. The first stage optimization minimized the wind power curtailment and load curtailment with the coordinative scheduling of energy storage systems and conventional thermal units. The second stage optimization was allocation of power generation schedules of different wind farms as well as thermal units. IEEE 30-bus system with three actual wind farms was used for verification purpose. It is shown that the wind curtailment and operation costs are both reduced by adopting the proposed intra-day rolling coordinative scheduling dispatch with ultra-short-term wind forecasts updated more frequently.