A Fast Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement Algorithm Based on the Time-domain Quasi-synchronous Sampling Technique
摘要: 非同步采样下,快速傅里叶变换方法(fast Fourier transform,FFT)算法不可避免地存在频谱泄漏和栅栏效应影响,且采集数据量多,计算量大。为了实现介损角的快速、高准确度测量,该文提出并建立一种基于时域准同步的介损角测量方法,利用准同步采样算法精确估计采样信号的基波频率,采用牛顿插值法对电压、电流采样信号进行插值重构,获得时域准同步采样序列,通过FFT频域分析和等效电路模型求解实现介质损耗角的精确计算。这种介损角测量算法不需要利用窗函数和谱线插值算法,能有效改善FFT的频谱泄漏和栅栏效应影响,采集数据量少,算法简单,便于嵌入式系统实现。仿真实验验证了算法的准确性。Abstract: Fast Fourier transform(FFT) algorithm would inevitably suffer from spectral leakage and picket-fence effects under asynchronous sampling. Moreover, it requires massive sampling data and high computational costs. Therefore, this paper proposed a dielectric loss angle(DLA) measurement method based on time domain quasi-synchronous sampling technique in order to realize rapid measurements and high accuracy. Firstly, the fundamental wave frequencies of the original voltage and current sampling signals were estimated accurately with the quasi-synchronization sampling algorithm. Then, the quasi-synchronous sequences of the original asynchronous sampling signals were reconstructed by Newton interpolation algorithm. Finally, the DLA was calculated according to the equivalent circuit model and frequency domain analysis of voltage and current quasi-synchronization sampling sequences based on FFT. The proposed method in this paper can perfectly restrain spectral leakage and picket-fence effects without window functions or spectral line interpolation algorithms. The results of simulations have verified the accuracy of the proposed method in this paper with less sampling data and low computational costs.