Subsynchronous Oscillation and Its Mitigation of MMC-Based HVDC With Large Doubly-Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Farm Integration
摘要: 基于模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter,MMC)的柔性直流输电技术(MMC-HVDC)已成为大规模、远距离海上风电场并网的理想解决方案。由于MMC自身的结构特点,当大型双馈风电场通过基于MMC的纯柔性直流输电系统并网时,可能会产生次同步振荡(subsynchronous oscillation,SSO)现象。该文研究了大型双馈风电场经MMC-HVDC系统并网出现的SSO现象,理论分析并推导了次同步振荡电流在MMC-HVDC系统中的分布及传播机制。从换流器控制的角度出发,提出一种基于附加次同步振荡电流抑制的送端换流站控制策略。最后通过MATLAB/Simulink软件搭建了基于21电平MMC-HVDC的两端输电系统模型,仿真结果验证了理论分析和所提出的次同步振荡电流抑制策略的正确性。Abstract: Modular multilevel converter-based highvoltage DC transmission(MMC-HVDC) technology has become an ideal solution for grid integration of large and remote offshore wind farms. Due to the characteristics of MMC topology, subsynchronous oscillation(SSO) phenomena might occur due to the interaction between wind farms and MMC-HVDC systems. The SSO of DFIG-based wind farm integration through an MMC-HVDC system was studied. The mechanism of distribution and propagation of the SSO current in the MMC-HVDC system was revealed. A control scheme for SSO current suppression was proposed from the perspective of converter control in the sending-end converter station of the MMC-HVDC system. The detailed model of a two-terminal MMC-HVDC system with 21-level was established by using MATLAB/Simulink. Both the theoretical analysis and control effect of the proposed SSO current mitigation strategy are validated by the simulation results.