Economic Generation Scheduling of a Microgrid using Mixed integer programming
摘要: 为了应对微网短期及超短期经济调度问题,运用线性化技术提出了微网经济调度问题的混合整数规划方法。首先根据各微源的运行特性构建了相应的数学模型,在此基础上分析各微源的发电成本构成,建立了并网状态下微网的经济调度模型。其次根据各燃料机组的发电出力–燃料费用特性曲线,分别建立了相关函数的线性逼近模型,针对蓄电池的充放电模型,提出了相应的线性化方法。通过线性化方法将原问题转化为混合整数规划问题,应用混合整数规划软件求解,并与传统遗传算法比较,结果表明:线性化方法无论在计算时间还是计算准确度上都具有较强的优势,可为微网短期及超短期的能量管理提供快速准确的调度信息。Abstract: To solve the economic generation scheduling of a microgrid, the linearization techniques were developed to convert the optimization problem into a mixed-integer linear programming(MILP) problem. Firstly, an economic generation scheduling model was established. According to the output-fuel cost characteristics of the fuel-consuming distribution generations(DGs) and the charge/discharge characteristics of the battery, corresponding approximated linearization functions were established. A commercial mixed-integer linear programming software was applied to solve the problem.Finally the MILP method was compared to the genetic algorithm(GA). Numerical tests were conducted and the computational simulation results verified the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The results indicate the MILP method is a promising approach to solve this problem with high accuracy and low time consumption and can provide rapid and accurate scheduling information for short-term and super short-term energy management of microgrids.