陈维江, 李志兵, 孙岗, 戴敏, 刘卫东, 李成榕, 王磊, 王浩, 陈国强, 姚涛, 王森, 卢江平, 吴军辉, 张希捷, 李文艺, 李心一. 特高压气体绝缘开关设备中特快速瞬态过电压特性的试验研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(31): 38-47. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.31.009
引用本文: 陈维江, 李志兵, 孙岗, 戴敏, 刘卫东, 李成榕, 王磊, 王浩, 陈国强, 姚涛, 王森, 卢江平, 吴军辉, 张希捷, 李文艺, 李心一. 特高压气体绝缘开关设备中特快速瞬态过电压特性的试验研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(31): 38-47. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.31.009
CHEN Wei-jiang, LI Zhi-bing, SUN Gang, DAI Min, LIU Wei-dong, LI Cheng-rong, WANG Lei, WANG Hao, CHEN Guo-qiang, YAO Tao, WANG Sen, LU Jiang-ping, WU Jun-hui, ZHANG Xi-jie, LI Wen-yi, LI Xin-yi. Experimental Research on the Characteristics of Very Fast Transient Overvoltage in Ultra High Voltage Gas Insulated Switchgear[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31(31): 38-47. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.31.009
Citation: CHEN Wei-jiang, LI Zhi-bing, SUN Gang, DAI Min, LIU Wei-dong, LI Cheng-rong, WANG Lei, WANG Hao, CHEN Guo-qiang, YAO Tao, WANG Sen, LU Jiang-ping, WU Jun-hui, ZHANG Xi-jie, LI Wen-yi, LI Xin-yi. Experimental Research on the Characteristics of Very Fast Transient Overvoltage in Ultra High Voltage Gas Insulated Switchgear[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31(31): 38-47. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.31.009


Experimental Research on the Characteristics of Very Fast Transient Overvoltage in Ultra High Voltage Gas Insulated Switchgear

  • 摘要: 气体绝缘开关设备(gas insulated switchgear,GIS)中隔离开关操作产生的特快速瞬态过电压(very fast transientovervoltage,VFTO)会影响电气设备的安全运行,随着系统电压等级的提高,该影响会越来越严重,在特高压系统中尤为突出。为掌握特高压GIS的VFTO特性,在特高压GIS设备的VFTO试验回路进行了大规模GIS隔离开关操作试验,并对VFTO测量结果进行了统计分析。研究得到了VFTO全过程波形的波形特征、击穿次数、频率成份和残余电压分布,单次击穿波形的波形特征和振荡系数分布,及预充/不预充直流电压下的VFTO幅值特性,揭示了隔离开关加装阻尼电阻对VFTO的抑制作用。所获得的特高压GIS中的VFTO特性为进一步研究VFTO仿真和绝缘配合等提供了依据。


    Abstract: Very fast transient overvoltage(VFTO) generated during switching of disconnector in gas insulated switchgear(GIS) may threaten the safety operation of electric equipment,the influence is more serious with the increase of power system voltage and it is preeminent in ultra high voltage(UHV) system.To master the characteristics of VFTO in UHV GIS,lots of experiments by switching of GIS disconnectors were carried out in two VFTO test circuits of UHV GIS and the test results of VFTO were statistically analyzed in this paper.The waveform characters,striking numbers,frequency components and residual voltage distribution of full VFTO waveforms,the waveform characters and oscillation factor distribution of single striking waveform,the characteristics of VFTO magnitudes were proposed.The suppression of VFTO by damping resistor in GIS disconnector was illustrated.The achieved characteristics of VFTO in UHV GIS have been the basis for further VFTO study on simulation and insulation coordination etc.


