Optimal Sizing of Energy Storage for Microgrids Considering Energy Management of Electric Vehicles
摘要: 基于电动汽车(electric vehicles,EVs)移动负载和储能特性,提出含EV的微网储能容量工程化配置方法和EV运行管理模式,并将风险价值(value at risk,Va R)理论引入微网储能容量风险评估。联网时利用电价引导机制,制定EV无序充电、有序充电和有序充放电三种区域化能量管理模式;最小化一日内微网综合成本,求解微网最优储能容量,并分析交互功率波动惩罚系数、波动率对储能容量选择的影响。运用Va R理论,分析不同能量管理模式下孤岛时的微网运行时间风险,验证储能容量优化的有效性。仿真结果表明,与EV无序充电模式相比,EV有序充电和有序充放电模式可以有效减少微网储能容量配置,降低微网综合成本,减小交互功率波动;与无EV参与孤岛的工况相比,激励EV放电可显著延长孤岛运行时间,降低自治风险。Abstract: The engineering method of energy storage sizing and the operation and management of electric vehicles(EVs) were studied considering the moving load and storage characteristics of EVs in microgrids. The value at risk(Va R) theory was applied to evaluating the risk of the configured storage. Three EV regional energy management modes including uncoordinated charging, coordinated charging and coordinated charging/discharging were formulated utilizing a price incentive model. The optimal storage size was calculated by minimizing the comprehensive cost of microgrid in a day in grid-connected mode. The impacts of interactive power penalty coefficient and fluctuation on selecting storage size were also analyzed. Va R theory was applied to analyzing the islanded operation risk in various energy managements and the feasibility of the configured storage size was verified. The simulation result validates that compared with uncoordinated charging mode, coordinated charging and coordinated charging /discharging modes reduces storage size, lowers the comprehensive cost and decreased the fluctuation of interactive power. Compared with no EV participating in islanded microgrid, the length of islanded time is extended and the risk of autonomous islanded operation is decreased significantly when encouraging EV to discharge.