Overview of Power Electronics Based Electrical Energy Router
摘要: 随着可再生能源发电装置、储能设备及各种类型的电能负载的接入,传统的电力系统设备无法满足供电形式多样性和能量多向流动以及功率流的主动调控等要求,无法适应未来电力市场化的需要。基于电力电子变换技术构成的电能路由器,不但可为不同的新能源发电装置和不同类型负载提供灵活多样化的接口电气形式,还可实现能量的多向流动能力和对功率流的主动控制。与信息技术的融合使电能路由器拥有通讯和智能决策能力,可根据网络运行状态以及用户和控制中心的指令,实现对电力网络能量流的主动管理。文中首先将电能路由器和信息路由器对比,提出电能路由器的功能要求,并根据现有的电网结构,将电能路由器分类,分别阐释各类电能路由器的特点。然后介绍目前国内外在电能路由器领域的最新进展。进而从功率变换、信息技术两个角度分析电能路由器的技术要求,并给出实现电能路由器未来需要做的工作。最后,对电能路由器的发展进行了总结和展望。Abstract: As the renewable energy generation, storage devices and new loads penetrate into the existing electrical grid, the conventional grid cannot meet the requirements of the variety of the electrical interfaces, multi-directional power flow ability and the active control ability of power flow. Based on power electronics, electrical energy router can provide multiple types of electric interfaces for loads and renewable generation sources, and achieve active power flow control. Combining with the information technology, the electrical router has communication ability and smart control ability. This paper introduced the functional requirements of the electrical energy router and categorization based on the structure of the existing power grid. The works by international institutes and companies were introduced. The problems and the works to be done about the electrical router were analyzed in terms of power conversion, and communication.