The Cable Two-terminal Fault Location Algorithm Based on EMD and WVD
摘要: 快速准确地得到配电网故障位置,对配电网系统安全稳定运行、快速恢复供电具有重要意义。提出一种基于经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)和维格纳威尔分布(Wigner Ville distribution,WVD)的电缆双端故障定位方案。通过对测量得到的故障行波进行EMD分解,实现对故障高频成分的提取与噪声的消除。将得到的一阶本征模态函数(intrinsic mode function,IMF)进行WVD分离,将故障信号的能量在时间及频率坐标系下表述出来。通过计算故障行波的瞬时能量曲线峰值,确定故障初始行波波头的到达时刻。仿真及实验结果表明,所提方案能够准确地确定故障初始行波波头的到达时刻,使电缆双端行波同步。与需要同步时钟的双端定位方法比较,具有较高的定位精度。在实际工程中有良好的应用前景。Abstract: Fast and accurate fault location for distribution network plays an increasingly important role to the safe and stable operation and resuming electricity supply. This paper presented a new two-terminal fault location algorithm for buried cable based on empirical mode decomposition(EMD) and Wigner Ville distribution(WVD). The extraction of the high frequency components and the elimination of the noise is realized through decomposing the measured fault traveling wave by EMD. Through separating the intrinsic mode function(IMF) by WVD, which can express the energy of the fault signal at the coordinate system of time and frequency. The arrival instant of the first fault wavefront is confirmed through calculating the peak value of the instantaneous energy curve from the fault traveling wave. The results of simulations and experiments proved that this fault location algorithm can not only find the arrival time of the first fault wavefront accurately, but also solve the asynchrony problem perfectly. Comparing with the existing fault location algorithm with GPS, it has a higher precision and a good application prospect in the practical engineering.