党莹樱, 赵新宝, 尹宏飞, 鲁金涛, 严靖博, 袁勇, 杨珍, 谷月峰. A-USC锅炉关键部件用候选合金金属间相特征[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(23): 3983-3989. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2014.23.020
引用本文: 党莹樱, 赵新宝, 尹宏飞, 鲁金涛, 严靖博, 袁勇, 杨珍, 谷月峰. A-USC锅炉关键部件用候选合金金属间相特征[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(23): 3983-3989. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2014.23.020
DANG Ying-ying, ZHAO Xin-bao, YIN Hong-fei, LU Jin-tao, YAN Jing-bo, YUAN Yong, YANG Zhen, GU Yue-feng. Microstructural Characterization of Candidate Superalloy for Key Components of A-USC Boilers[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2014, 34(23): 3983-3989. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2014.23.020
Citation: DANG Ying-ying, ZHAO Xin-bao, YIN Hong-fei, LU Jin-tao, YAN Jing-bo, YUAN Yong, YANG Zhen, GU Yue-feng. Microstructural Characterization of Candidate Superalloy for Key Components of A-USC Boilers[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2014, 34(23): 3983-3989. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2014.23.020


Microstructural Characterization of Candidate Superalloy for Key Components of A-USC Boilers

  • 摘要: 文中总结了目前国内外先进超超临界(A-USC)锅炉关键部件用候选合金(Inconel 740/740H、CCA 617、Nomonic263、Haynes 230及GH 2984等)经标准热处理、无应力时效及持久实验后的组织特征和演化规律。结果表明:这类材料为了满足部件服役条件下对高温强度的要求,多采用析出强化设计,析出相种类繁多(如γ'、η、σ、μ及G相等);这些析出相的形貌、数量、尺寸及相间元素的分布等在高温长期时效或服役条件下均会发生明显变化,从而对合金的性能和服役行为产生重要影响。提出有必要进一步分析上述各相的演变规律及其作用,通过调整合金成分或热处理制度来优化组织结构,抑制或消除有害相的析出,提高合金的高温性能。


    Abstract: The intermetallic phase characterization and its evolution were summarized on the most promising candidate superalloy for 700℃ advance ultra-supercritical superheater and reheater(including Inconel 740/740 H, CCA 617, Nomonic 263, Haynes 230 and GH2984, etc). The results show that in order to meet high temperature property, most of the alloys are strengthened by precipitation, thus there are some kinds of precipitates such as γ’、η、σ、μ, G. The phase morphology, amount, size and element concentration which influence high temperature property are significantly changed during long term exposure or service. Therefore, it is necessary to make further analysis of the above precipitates evolution to optimize the organizational structure by adjusting the alloy composition or heat treatment, adjust or eliminate the harmful precipitation phase, improve the high temperature properties of the alloy.


