Investigation of Flux Regulation Performance and Experimental Validation of Novel Hybrid Excitation Brushless Claw-pole Alternators
摘要: 针对电励磁爪极发电机效率低、永磁爪极发电机磁场调节困难等问题,提出一种新型的混合励磁无刷爪极发电机。介绍该电机的结构特点和磁场调节原理,采用三维有限元法对电机的空载磁场分布及磁场调节能力进行了分析,设计并制造了试验样机。样机试验结果验证了有限元分析的正确性,并表明在结构参数相同的情况下,与电励磁爪极发电机相比,新型混合励磁无刷爪极发电机具有气隙磁通密度高、功率密度高、低速输出性能好、励磁损耗低等特点。Abstract: In consideration of low power density of electric excitation claw-pole synchronous alternators and some difficulties in magnetic field regulation of permanent magnet claw-pole synchronous alternators,a novel hybrid excitation brushless claw pole alternator(HEBCA) is proposed in this paper.Its magnetic field is contributed by a permanent magnet and an excitation coil.The machine topology and operation principle are described.In addition,the no-load magnetic field distributions and the capability of flux control are obtained based on the three-dimensional finite element analysis(3-D FEA).A prototype alternator is designed and tested.The measured results agree well with finite element predictions.It shows that HEBCA has higher power density and air gap flux density than the claw-pole alternators with only electric excitation in the same structure parameter.And it also has the advantages of good low-speed characteristics and low excitation losses.