刘道兵, 顾雪平, 李海鹏. 电网故障诊断的一种完全解析模型[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(34): 85-92,10. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.34.007
引用本文: 刘道兵, 顾雪平, 李海鹏. 电网故障诊断的一种完全解析模型[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(34): 85-92,10. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.34.007
LIU Dao-bing, GU Xue-ping, LI Hai-peng. A Complete Analytic Model for Fault Diagnosis of Power Systems[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31(34): 85-92,10. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.34.007
Citation: LIU Dao-bing, GU Xue-ping, LI Hai-peng. A Complete Analytic Model for Fault Diagnosis of Power Systems[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2011, 31(34): 85-92,10. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.2011.34.007


A Complete Analytic Model for Fault Diagnosis of Power Systems

  • 摘要: 现代大规模互联电网提高了电力系统运行的稳定性和经济性,同时也给电网的故障诊断增加了难度。对电网保护配置和断路器动作规则进行深入分析,提出一种新的电网故障诊断模型——完全解析模型,并为基于此模型的故障诊断提出一种实用有效的求解方法。在完全解析模型中,故障假说(即可疑故障设备的故障情况)与保护、断路器的动作情况及拒动和误动情况一同表示成逻辑变量,而保护配置和断路器动作规则以逻辑方程组形式进行充分表达,逻辑方程组的每个解析解对应一个故障模式(设备故障状态和保护动作、断路器跳闸状态及拒动/误动情况),是对故障情形的完整解释。本模型对故障诊断规则和保护、断路器的动作逻辑进行完全解析,并完整保留了故障设备、保护动作和断路器跳闸之间的耦合关系,克服了已有解析模型的缺陷。算例表明,保留完整耦合关系的完全解析模型可有效提高故障诊断的准确性和容错能力。


    Abstract: Interconnections of the modern bulk electric power systems,while contributing to the operating economy and reliability,result in an increased complexity of fault diagnosis.In this paper,a complete analytic model of fault diagnosis was presented by analyzing principles of protective relay setting and circuit breaker trip,and an effective solving method for the proposed model was developed.In the complete analytic model,the fault hypothesis-the actual states of the suspected fault equipment,as well as the malfunction of protective relays and circuit breakers,was treated as logic variables,and the principles of protective relay setting and the rules of the circuit breaker trip were completely expressed with a set of logic equations.Each solution of the complete model represents a mode of fault information(the faulty states of the equipment,operations of protective relays and circuit breakers),which can completely describe the fault scenarios.The operation rules of protective relays and circuit breakers were fully analyzed and the coupling relations between the fault equipment and operation of protective relays/circuit breakers are intactly reserved in the complete analytic model,removing the defects of the previous analytic models.Several examples had showed that the complete analytic model with the intact coupling relations can improve the accuracy and error-tolerant ability of the current fault diagnosis methods.


