Transient Stability of Distribution Network With Induction Generators
摘要: 随着新能源的开发和利用,小型和微型分布式发电机(distributed generator,DG)开始接入配电网,在配电网中可能会出现暂态稳定问题。鼠笼式感应发电机(induction generator,IG)由于成本低、维护方便而在分布式发电中广泛应用。研究了多感应发电机配电网的暂态稳定问题,在单台感应发电机稳定判别的基础上,定义了多感应发电机配电网的暂态稳定域和临界切除时间(critical clearing time,CCT)。利用转子运动方程的静等值电路,计及配电网网络方程约束和故障后感应发电机转子转速的变化,提出一种计算配电网多感应发电机临界转速和CCT的解析法。该方法与采用动态模型的仿真方法相比,计算量小,且能够揭示出多感应发电机之间暂态稳定性的内在联系。采用PSCAD/EMTDC仿真软件中的5阶动态模型仿真验证了该方法的正确性,并且分析了静态等值计算结果小于仿真结果的原因。Abstract: With the development of renewable energy technologies,the small or micro distributed generators(DGs) are embedded in distribution network,and the transient stability problem might occur in the distribution network.The squirrel-cage rotor induction generators(IGs) are widely applied in distribution networks due to lower unit cost,smaller size,and less maintenance requirements.The transient stability problem in distribution networks with multi IGs was analyzed,and the transient stability region and critical clearing time(CCT) were defined based on the theory of an IG.Considering the constraint of network equation and rotor speed variations of IGs,an analytical method based the steady-state equivalent circuits of IGs to determine the transient stability of distribution network with multiple IGs is proposed.And the critical speed and CCT of distribution network are calculated using the proposed method.Compared with dynamic simulation,the analytical method has smaller computation and could reveal the interaction of multi IGs for transient stability analysis.The correctness of the proposed method was verified by the dynamic simulation of the fifth-order model of induction generators in PSCAD/EMTDC simulation software.The reason that the calculation results using the steady-state equivalent circuits are smaller than the simulation results was analyzed.