Analysis and Optimization of Mutual Inductance for Inductively Coupled Power Transfer System
摘要: 针对感应耦合电能传输(inductively coupled power transfer,ICPT)系统能效(传输功率和效率)优化问题,分析了互感耦合参数对4种典型拓扑结构ICPT系统能效的影响,并优化互感以提高系统的功率传输能力,同时,对优化得到的互感耦合参数的适用条件给出了限制;此外,针对原边采用串联补偿拓扑结构的ICPT系统在最大功率传输条件下,系统效率偏低的现象,提出一种新的系统综合评价指标。在满足系统输出功率的基础上,该指标综合考虑了系统效率、成本和可靠性等其他因素。通过在该指标下对系统的互感耦合参数进行优化,在满足功率传输的基础上,实现了ICPT系统的全局最优设计。最后,通过仿真和实验研究,证明了理论分析的正确性。Abstract: Aimed at optimization of the transmission power and efficiency of inductively coupled power transfer(ICPT) system,the relations between the mutual inductance and transmission power and efficiency under four typical topologies of ICPT system were analyzed,and the mutual inductance of ICPT system was optimized for achieving maximum power transfer,at the same time,the applicable condition for the optimized mutual inductance was given.Furthermore,in order to improve the ICPT system efficiency under maximum power transfer condition with the primary side series tuned,the paper presented a novel evaluation index.The index is a synthetic performance index which takes system output power,efficiency,cost and reliability into account.With this index,in meeting of the condition of power transmission,the mutual inductance was optimized,and a global optimization design method for the ICPT system was also realized as well.Finally,simulation and experiment results verified the analysis and the optimization design method.