刘璐洁, 符杨, 马世伟, 许伟欣. 基于可靠性和维修优先级的海上风电机组预防性维护策略优化[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(21): 5732-5740,6015. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.152486
引用本文: 刘璐洁, 符杨, 马世伟, 许伟欣. 基于可靠性和维修优先级的海上风电机组预防性维护策略优化[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(21): 5732-5740,6015. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.152486
LIU Lu-jie, FU Yang, MA Shi-wei, XU Wei-xin. Preventive Maintenance Strategy for Offshore Wind Turbine Based on Reliability and Maintenance Priority[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(21): 5732-5740,6015. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.152486
Citation: LIU Lu-jie, FU Yang, MA Shi-wei, XU Wei-xin. Preventive Maintenance Strategy for Offshore Wind Turbine Based on Reliability and Maintenance Priority[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE, 2016, 36(21): 5732-5740,6015. DOI: 10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.152486


Preventive Maintenance Strategy for Offshore Wind Turbine Based on Reliability and Maintenance Priority

  • 摘要: 由于海上风电机组所处的特殊运行环境,针对其运行维护时的维护等待问题,提出基于可靠性和维护优先级的预防性维护策略。首先,结合天气可及度,采用排队理论描述维护等待时间。在对等待时间测算的基础上,将风电机组作为多部件复杂系统,按照实际可及情况,更新机组部件和系统的可靠性。然后以机组系统性能为主,部件性能为辅,对机组进行不完全维护。在考虑维护成本和对机组可靠性改善的因素影响下,构建了维护优先数,并采用数据包络分析方法(data envelopment analysis,DEA)求解,以确定各个部件的维修方式及次序。再以维护的单位时间成本最优为准则,进而得到机组的维修范围。最后,以某海上风电机组为例,验证了该维护策略的有效性,并分析了天气可及、维修时间对维护策略的影响。


    Abstract: The maintenance of offshore wind turbines operated under the irregular, non-stationary conditions is affected by the waiting time. A model for optimizing preventive maintenance strategy of offshore wind turbine based on reliability and maintenance priority was developed. Firstly, according to the weather accessibility, the maintenance waiting time was obtained adopting the queuing theory. Subsequently the wind turbine was treated as a complex structure system and the reliability of components and wind turbine were presented based on the waiting time. The imperfect maintenance time was primarily determined by the system performance and secondly by the components performance. In order to determine the maintenance activity and sequence, the maintenance priority was introduced considering the maintenance cost and the reliability improvement degree of system, and was calculated by data envelopment analysis(DEA). Then the maintenance scope was optimized aiming at minimizing maintenance unit time cost. Finally, a case of offshore wind turbine was illustrated the effectiveness of the strategy, and sensitivity factors such as weather accessibility and maintenance time are analyzed to the proposed model.


