Recent Progress in the Calculation Methods of Ion Flow Field of HVDC Transmission Lines
摘要: 高压直流输电线路所伴随的电晕放电会导致地面附近的电场大幅增加,从而使线路下方电磁环境恶化,该问题被称为离子流场问题。对于离子流场的准确预测可以使高压直流输电线路既满足环保要求同时又保持良好的经济性,因此意义重大。该文详尽的回顾和评述了国内外离子流场研究的历史,且着重介绍了近年以来离子流场研究所取得的新进展。同时,该文也指出了目前离子流场研究中的不足和未来的研究方向。Abstract: Corona discharge on the HVDC transmission lines will strengthen the ground level electric field,which deteriorates the electromagnetic environment under the lines.This is named as ion flow field problem.Prediction of the ion flow field is of great importance in designing environmental friendly HVDC transmission lines with the lowest cost.A detailed review of the ion flow field simulation methods both in domestic and abroad is presented in this paper,which emphasizes on the new progress in the ion flow field simulation.This paper also points out the problems which need to be solved and the suggestions for the future research on ion flow field simulation are given.