Analysis on Mechanisms of Two Typical Control Schemes for Parallel APF
摘要: 并联型有源电力滤波器(parallel active power filter,PAPF)存在着常规控制和直流侧电压反馈控制两种典型控制方式,但是对于两者之间的内在关联尚缺乏较深入的研究。该文对基于"p-q"理论的并联型APF常规控制进行等效和演化,通过数学推导发现:常规控制方法可认为是在直流侧电压反馈的基础上加入了负载基波电流前馈;且不同补偿目标下,前馈电流的成分也不同,可能是全部的负载基波电流,也可能是其中的有功分量。此外,在常规控制策略中的前馈作用和反馈作用大小也存在差别。最后,仿真和实验结果验证了上述分析的正确性。该研究对于理解和把握并联型APF的控制机制具有较重要的参考价值。Abstract: The regular control based on the p-q theory and the one based on the DC-link voltage are two typical control schemes for parallel active power filter(PAPF).Since the interrelationship between these two control schemes has not been deeply analyzed,this paper studied on the regular control mechanism of PAPF with mathematic derivation and drew the conclusion that,the regular control scheme could be regarded as a composite control with the feedback of DC link voltage and the feedforward of the fundamental load current.The feedforward currents could be regarded as the whole fundamental components of the load current or the active components depending on different compensation objectives.Finally,simulations and experimental results proved the validity of the analysis.