Dynamic Simulations on Simultaneous Charging/Discharging Process of Water Thermocline Storage Tank
摘要: 面向储热技术在热电联产机组供热期调峰中的应用,设计单罐斜温层水储热实验系统。结合实验结果,建立可模拟同时蓄、放热过程的单罐斜温层储热物理数学模型。在单次蓄热的条件下,对数值分析结果的可靠性进行实验验证。分别针对放热、散热及连续同时蓄、放热工况,对单罐斜温层的储热性能开展数值模拟研究。结果表明,当放热温度截止因子相同时,高蓄放热温度的放热效率稍高于低蓄放热温度的放热效率;以斜温层不同位置作为初状态散热,斜温层的相对增长率和增长速率受斜温层初始厚度和位置影响;结合用于热电联产机组调峰的蓄热系统实际应用,获得同时蓄、放热时罐内温度分布,发现连续蓄放热中,随着循环次数的增加,蓄放热结束后斜温层的厚度不断增长,蓄热罐的有效利用率不断降低。研究结果对斜温层单罐储热在实际热电联产中的应用具有指导意义。Abstract: Aiming at the application of thermal storage technology in peaking of the combined heat and power(CHP) plants, a water single-tank thermocline thermal energy storage(TES) experimental system was designed. Combined with the experimental results, a physical mathematical model of single-tank thermocline TES that can investigate simultaneous charge and discharge process was established. The numerical approach was verified by the corresponding single charge experiment. To discuss the TES performance of the single-tank thermocline TES system, the process including discharge, dissipation, cyclic operation and simultaneous charge and discharge were investigated by numerical simulation. The results indicate that the discharge efficiency of the high temperature is slightly higher than that of the low temperature under the condition of the same cut-off temperature factor and actual heat output. Under the influence of the initial position and thickness of thermocline, the relative growth rate and the growth rate of the thermocline varies during the dissipation. Combined with the practical application of the TES system in CHP, the temperature distribution inside the tank during the simultaneous charge and discharge process was presented. During the cyclic operation, as the number of cycles increases, the thermocline thickness increases continuously. And the effective utilization rate of the thermal storage tank is continuously reduced. The research results have guiding significance for the application of water single-tank thermocline TES in the CHP plants.