陈泽远, 范春菊, 胡炎, 王晶, 杨增力, 吴迪, 张振. 大规模分布式电源接入的配电网区域差动保护方案[J]. 现代电力. DOI: 10.19725/j.cnki.1007-2322.2023.0266
引用本文: 陈泽远, 范春菊, 胡炎, 王晶, 杨增力, 吴迪, 张振. 大规模分布式电源接入的配电网区域差动保护方案[J]. 现代电力. DOI: 10.19725/j.cnki.1007-2322.2023.0266
CHEN Zeyuan, FAN Chunju, HU Yan, WANG Jing, YANG Zengli, WU Di, ZHANG Zhen. Regional Differential Protection Scheme for Large-scale Distributed Power Access in Distribution Network[J]. Modern Electric Power. DOI: 10.19725/j.cnki.1007-2322.2023.0266
Citation: CHEN Zeyuan, FAN Chunju, HU Yan, WANG Jing, YANG Zengli, WU Di, ZHANG Zhen. Regional Differential Protection Scheme for Large-scale Distributed Power Access in Distribution Network[J]. Modern Electric Power. DOI: 10.19725/j.cnki.1007-2322.2023.0266


Regional Differential Protection Scheme for Large-scale Distributed Power Access in Distribution Network

  • 摘要: 随着分布式电源越来越多地应用于配电网,配电网由无源网变为富源网,传统保护动作特性受到很大的影响。为了提高保护动作的可靠性和速动性,提出了适用于大规模分布式电源的配电网区域差动保护方案。每条线路都配有传统的差动保护作为主保护,同时,采用最小区域差动保护作为线路的后备保护。配电网线路发生故障时能以0.15s的动作时延切除故障,且保证最小的停电范围。所提出的区域差动保护策略,在有限通信条件下,能够可靠识别最小后备保护区域,同时在主保护拒动时以最小动作范围,最小动作时限切除故障。仿真分析结果表明该方案能够适应复杂配电网结构,可靠隔离故障。后备保护与主保护的配合,既可以保证保护速动性和选择性,又可以保证保护动作的可靠性。


    Abstract: With the increasing deployment of distributed power generation in distribution networks, the protection performance of traditional devices have been greatly affected..The massive access of distributed power sources makes the traditional distribution network no longer a radiation network, but a multi-power one, rendering traditional current protection in effective. A regional differential protection scheme suitable for large-scale distributed power generation in distribution networks is proposed to improve the reliability and rapidity of protection device. Each distribution line is equipped with a traditional differential protection as the main protection, while the minimum area differential protection is used as the backup protection for the line. This ensures that any fault can be cleared with an action delay of 0.15 seconds in the event of a fault in the distribution network line, thus minimizing outage range of the power system. The proposed regional differential backup protection strategy can reliably identify the minimum backup protection area without centralized deployment of the protection by the central equipment, and act promptly in case the main protection fails to operate. The simulation analysis results indicate that this scheme can adapt to complex distribution network structures and reliably isolate faults. Consequently, it can serve as a comprehensive protection scheme for distribution networks accessed by large-scale distributed power sources. The coordination between backup protection and main protection can not only ensure the rapidity and selectivity of protection, but also ensure the reliability of protection actions.


