赵波, 丁寒生, 尹淑敏, 张永成, 李忠权, 孙国昕, 刘筝. 松辽盆地北部中央隆起带基岩潜山天然气成藏主控因素与成藏模式[J]. 石油学报, 2024, 45(12): 1783-1799. DOI: 10.7623/syxb202412006
引用本文: 赵波, 丁寒生, 尹淑敏, 张永成, 李忠权, 孙国昕, 刘筝. 松辽盆地北部中央隆起带基岩潜山天然气成藏主控因素与成藏模式[J]. 石油学报, 2024, 45(12): 1783-1799. DOI: 10.7623/syxb202412006
Zhao Bo, Ding Hansheng, Yin Shumin, Zhang Yongcheng, Li Zhongquan, Sun Guoxin, Liu Zheng. Main controlling factors and models of natural gas accumulation in the bedrock buried-hill of central uplift zone,northern Songliao Basin[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2024, 45(12): 1783-1799. DOI: 10.7623/syxb202412006
Citation: Zhao Bo, Ding Hansheng, Yin Shumin, Zhang Yongcheng, Li Zhongquan, Sun Guoxin, Liu Zheng. Main controlling factors and models of natural gas accumulation in the bedrock buried-hill of central uplift zone,northern Songliao Basin[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2024, 45(12): 1783-1799. DOI: 10.7623/syxb202412006


Main controlling factors and models of natural gas accumulation in the bedrock buried-hill of central uplift zone,northern Songliao Basin

  • 摘要: 近年来,松辽盆地北部中央隆起带基岩潜山的天然气勘探取得重大突破,展现了较好的勘探前景,但其天然气成藏的主控因素与成藏模式尚不清晰,严重制约了气藏的勘探进程。基于探井和地震资料,以及岩心、岩石薄片、场发射扫描电镜分析数据,系统分析了中央隆起带基岩潜山的气藏类型,揭示了天然气成藏的主控因素,并建立了天然气成藏模式。研究结果表明:松辽盆地北部中央隆起带基岩潜山天然气成藏的控制因素包括供烃条件、储层条件、输导体系以及保存条件,其中,供烃条件在一定程度上控制了气藏的分布,储层条件控制了气藏的规模,输导体系控制了天然气的运聚,保存条件控制了天然气的富集;天然气成藏时间在泉头组沉积末期至姚家组沉积期,为天然气的第1期充注;发育断裂-不整合面输导+风化壳聚集以及断裂-裂缝输导+风化壳和基岩内幕聚集2种天然气成藏模式。研究为推进基岩潜山的天然气勘探开发工作提供了一定参考。


    Abstract: In recent years, major breakthroughs of natural gas exploration have been made in the bedrock buried-hill of central uplift zone in northern Songliao Basin, demonstrating good exploration prospects. However, the main controlling factors and accumulation patterns of natural gas reservoirs in the study area are still unclear, which seriously restricts the gas reservoir exploration process. Based on the prospecting well and seismic data, as well as analyses of core, thine section, and field emission scanning electron microscopy, this paper systematically analyzes the types of bedrock buried-hill gas reservoirs in the central uplift zone, reveals the main controlling factors of natural gas accumulation, and establishes a gas accumulation model. The results show that the main controlling factors of gas accumulation in the bedrock buried-hill of central uplift zone of northern Songliao Basin include hydrocarbon supply conditions, reservoir conditions, transport system and preservation conditions. Among them, hydrocarbon supply conditions control the distribution of gas reservoir to a certain extent, reservoir conditions control the scale of gas reservoir, transport system controls the migration and accumulation of natural gas, and preservation conditions control the enrichment of natural gas. The accumulation of natural gas occurred in depositional period from the end of Quantou Formation to the Yaojia Formation, which is the first period of gas charging. There are two types of gas accumulation patterns in the study area, i.e., gas transport by fault-unconformity then accumulation in weathering crust, and transport by fault-fracture then accumulation in weathering crust and bedrock inner. The research results provide reference for advancing the natural gas exploration and development in bedrock buried-hills.


