赵腾, 高艺, 邬炜, 毛宇晗. 欧洲大范围跨国电力互联在极端天气下电力安全保供中的作用分析[J]. 全球能源互联网, 2024, 7(1): 14-24. DOI: 10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2024.01.003
引用本文: 赵腾, 高艺, 邬炜, 毛宇晗. 欧洲大范围跨国电力互联在极端天气下电力安全保供中的作用分析[J]. 全球能源互联网, 2024, 7(1): 14-24. DOI: 10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2024.01.003
ZHAO Teng, GAO Yi, WU Wei, MAO Yuhan. Analysis of Large-scale Cross-border Interconnected Power Grids in Europe for Ensuring Secure Electricity Supply Under Extreme Weather Conditions[J]. Journal of Global Energy Interconnection, 2024, 7(1): 14-24. DOI: 10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2024.01.003
Citation: ZHAO Teng, GAO Yi, WU Wei, MAO Yuhan. Analysis of Large-scale Cross-border Interconnected Power Grids in Europe for Ensuring Secure Electricity Supply Under Extreme Weather Conditions[J]. Journal of Global Energy Interconnection, 2024, 7(1): 14-24. DOI: 10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2024.01.003


Analysis of Large-scale Cross-border Interconnected Power Grids in Europe for Ensuring Secure Electricity Supply Under Extreme Weather Conditions

  • 摘要: 随着全球气候变化不断加剧,极端天气对电力系统的影响日益增强,电网在电力安全保供中发挥的作用愈发受到关注。欧洲电网作为世界上规模最大的跨国互联电网,其在极端天气下的电力安全保供中发挥的作用值得研究借鉴。首先,对欧洲电网跨国互联进程、跨国电力配置、跨国互联目的进行梳理,并从电力交易与调度的关系、跨国电网耦合机制、跨国输电通道容量分配机制等角度分析欧洲跨国电网的交易与调度特征。其次,以2022年夏季极端高温干旱天气下的欧洲电力供应紧张事件为例,从电量余缺互济、平衡资源共享、统一电力市场支撑、可再生能源消纳等方面分析欧洲跨国互联电网在电力安全保供中发挥的“四个平台”作用。然后,对欧洲跨国互联电网面临的问题进行剖析。最后,提出对中国电网发展的思考及建议。


    Abstract: With the intensification of global climate change and the increasing impact of extreme weather on the power system, the significance of power grids in guaranteeing electricity supply has been gaining increasing attention. As the largest cross-border interconnected power grid worldwide, the European power grid has been playing crucial roles in many areas, and its ability to ensure a secure electricity supply during extreme weather conditions is worthy of study. Firstly, this paper analyzes the process of cross-border interconnection, the trends in cross-border power allocation, and the objectives of power interconnection in Europe. Secondly, it delves into the characteristics of cross-border trading and dispatching from perspectives of the relationship between power trading and dispatching, the coupling mechanism of cross-border power grids, and the capacity allocation mechanism of cross-border transmission channels. Thirdly, by taking the 2022 extreme hot and dry weather event in Europe as an example, the paper assesses the platform functions of the European cross-border interconnected power grid in four aspects: optimal allocation of power generation and consumption resources, sharing of balancing resources, support for the power market, and renewable energy consumption. Subsequently, the problems faced by the European cross-border interconnected power grid are analyzed. Finally, the paper provides insights and recommendations for the advancement of China’s power grid.


