朱永昶,张小锋,陈正洪,等. 服务于新型能源体系建设的气象服务保障体系构建思考[J]. 南方能源建设,2025,12(1):58-64.. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
引用本文: 朱永昶,张小锋,陈正洪,等. 服务于新型能源体系建设的气象服务保障体系构建思考[J]. 南方能源建设,2025,12(1):58-64.. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
ZHU Yongchang, ZHANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Zhenghong, et al. Thinking on the meteorological services to ensure the development of a system for new energy sources [J]. Southern energy construction, 2025, 12(1): 58-64. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234
Citation: ZHU Yongchang, ZHANG Xiaofeng, CHEN Zhenghong, et al. Thinking on the meteorological services to ensure the development of a system for new energy sources [J]. Southern energy construction, 2025, 12(1): 58-64. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-234


Thinking on the Meteorological Services to Ensure the Development of a System for New Energy Sources

  • 摘要:
    目的 新型能源体系是以清洁低碳为核心目标的能源体系,国家新型能源体系构建是实现“双碳”目标的重要举措。天气气候因素及气象灾害等对电网稳定、安全运行影响巨大,需要针对国家新型能源体系建设新需求,构建高质量气象服务保障体系。
    方法 文章通过文献调研、政策调研和专家咨询等方法,在对国家新型能源体系相关政策措施进行分析的基础上,对照国内能源气象服务业务现状、研判未来发展方向,提出新型能源体系建设的气象服务保障体系发展思路,并研提相关建议。
    结果 研究表明,中国气象局各级业务单位在风光发电、水电、核电,及输电通道、能源消纳等方面均较好开展了能源气象服务。国家新型能源体系建设对气象服务保障提出了面向清洁能源基地建设整体优化气象服务保障布局,强化发电功率预报以及气候预测等服务精准度,针对新能源基础设施建设、发电、储能、输电、消纳等各场景开展气象服务保障等新要求。
    结论 对标国家新型能源体系建设要求,文章从优化能源气象业务服务布局,提升服务保障能力,强化技术人才、合作机制保障支撑等方面,对更好发挥气象部门在国家新型能源体系建设中的服务保障作用提出了对策建议。


    Objective Clean and low-carbon production is the core target of a system for new energy sources, and which construction is an important measure to realize the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Meteorological factors and disasters have great impacts on the stable and safe operation of the power grid. It is necessary to build a high-quality meteorological service system according to the needs of the construction of a system for new energy sources.
    Method In this paper, literature and policy research and expert consultation methods were adopted. Based on the analysis of the relevant policie measures of a system for new energy sources, the future development direction of the energy meteorological service was studied, and the development proposals of the meteorological service system for the construction of a system for new energy sources were put forward.
    Result The research shows that service departments at various levels of China Meteorological Administration have deliverd energy meteorological services in wind power, solar power, hydropower, nuclear power, power grid operation, energy consumption etc. The construction of a system for new energy sources puts forward new requirements for meteorological service, such as optimizing the overall layout of meteorological service support for the construction of clean energy bases, strengthening the accuracy of power generation forecast and climate prediction services, and carrying out meteorological service support for various scenarios such as the construction of new energy infrastructure, power generation, storage, transmission and consumption.
    Conclusion According to the requirements of a system for new energy sources construction, proposals are put forward from aspects such as optimizing the layout of meteorological services, improving service support capabilities, strengthening talent and cooperation mechanisms.


