陆皓炜, 姜根柱, 王筱蓉. 乙醇氢气预混燃料层流燃烧特性[J]. 南方能源建设. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-179
引用本文: 陆皓炜, 姜根柱, 王筱蓉. 乙醇氢气预混燃料层流燃烧特性[J]. 南方能源建设. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-179
LU Haowei, JIANG Genzhu, WANG Xiaorong. Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Ethanol-Hydrogen Premixed Fuel[J]. Southern Energy Construction. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-179
Citation: LU Haowei, JIANG Genzhu, WANG Xiaorong. Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Ethanol-Hydrogen Premixed Fuel[J]. Southern Energy Construction. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-179


Laminar Combustion Characteristics of Ethanol-Hydrogen Premixed Fuel

  • 摘要:
      目的  随着化石燃料的日渐枯竭,生物燃料逐渐进入大众视野,乙醇氢气混合燃料作为新一代可再生清洁燃料引起了广泛关注,开展乙醇氢气预混火焰燃烧特性的影响研究非常有必要。
      方法  文章基于定容燃烧系统,结合高速纹影技术,在初始温度为370 K,氢气比例为50%,当量比为0.7~1.4,初始压力为1、2、4 bar条件下研究了当量比和压力对乙醇氢气预混火焰的层流燃烧特性的影响。聚焦火焰的传播燃烧特性,计算得到了层流燃烧速度并分析了其影响因素,借助Chemkin仿真平台建立相关反应模型,采用Marinov的乙醇氧化反应机理,对其层流燃烧特性进行详细的化学动力学分析。
      结果  研究表明,层流燃烧速度与绝热火焰温度具有正相关性且均在φ=1.1达到最大值;压力对净放热速率影响显著,当量比越大其峰值出现在更高温度区域;R1:H+O2⇔O+OH是促进火焰层流燃烧速度最敏感的反应。随着压力的增大,H、OH、O自由基的峰值摩尔分数均逐渐减小且向上游移动,随着当量比的增大H、O自由基摩尔分数逐渐下移,OH自由基摩尔分数先增加后减少。
      结论  当量比、压力以及活性自由基对乙醇氢气预混层流燃烧特性的影响显著,可为后续研究提供理论依据。


      Introduction  With the depletion of fossil fuels and bio-fuels' emergence, ethanol-hydrogen hybrid fuel as a new generation of renewable clean fuel has attracted wide attention, so it is necessary to study the effect of ethanol-hydrogen premixed flame combustion characteristics.
      Method  Based on the constant volume combustion system and combined with high-speed schlieren technology, the effects of the equivalent ratio and pressure on the laminar combustion characteristics of ethanol-hydrogen premixed flame were studied under the conditions of initial temperature of 370 K, hydrogen ratio of 50%, equivalent ratio of 0.7~1.4 and initial pressure of 1, 2 and 4 bar. Focusing on the propagation combustion characteristics of the flame, the laminar combustion velocity was calculated and its influencing factors were analyzed. The relevant reaction model was established with the help of Chemkin simulation platform, and the chemical dynamics of the laminar combustion characteristics were analyzed in detail by using Marinov's ethanol oxidation reaction mechanism.
      Result  The results showed that the laminar combustion velocity was positively correlated with the adiabatic flame temperature and reached the maximum value around φ=1.1. The pressure significantly affects the net heat release rate, and the peak value occurs in the higher temperature region with a greater equivalent ratio. R1:H+O2⇔O+OH represents the most sensitive reaction which promotes the laminar combustion velocity of the flame. With the increase of pressure, the peak molar fraction of H, OH, and O free radicals gradually decreased and moved upstream. With the increase of the equivalent ratio, the molar fraction of H and O free radicals gradually decreased, and the molar fraction of OH free radicals first increased and then decreased.
      Conclusion  The equivalent ratio, pressure and active free radicals have significant effects on the laminar combustion characteristics of ethanol-hydrogen premixed fuel, which can provide theoretical basis for subsequent studies.


