苏傲成, 王筱蓉, 姜根柱, 朱源. 乙醇抑制氢气-空气混合物爆炸的实验研究[J]. 南方能源建设. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-108
引用本文: 苏傲成, 王筱蓉, 姜根柱, 朱源. 乙醇抑制氢气-空气混合物爆炸的实验研究[J]. 南方能源建设. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-108
SU Aocheng, WANG Xiaorong, JIANG Genzhu, ZHU Yuan. Experimental Research on Ethanol Inhibition of Hydrogen-Air Mixture Explosion[J]. Southern Energy Construction. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-108
Citation: SU Aocheng, WANG Xiaorong, JIANG Genzhu, ZHU Yuan. Experimental Research on Ethanol Inhibition of Hydrogen-Air Mixture Explosion[J]. Southern Energy Construction. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-108


Experimental Research on Ethanol Inhibition of Hydrogen-Air Mixture Explosion

  • 摘要:
      目的  在加氢站制氢过程中,乙醇和氢气混合后易形成可燃气体,一旦受到火花或高温引燃,可能发生爆炸。为了降低加氢站制氢储氢过程中的爆炸风险,进行实验研究是至关重要的。
      方法  针对在1 bar和400 K下不同当量比和不同乙醇掺混比例的氢气-乙醇-空气混合物,进行爆炸特性参数的分析。通过计算混合燃气的可燃极限和爆燃指数来评估爆炸危险程度,从而制定有效的安全措施降低爆炸风险。
      结果  实验研究结果表明,当量比的增长会缩短爆炸时间,使其最终趋于稳定值,氢气体积分数(30%、50%、70%)对应的稳定爆炸时间为0.03 s、0.025 s以及0.019 s。最大爆炸压力、最大压力上升率以及爆燃指数都是随着当量比的增加先增大后降低,在当量比为1.3时达到峰值。随着乙醇的添加混合气的可燃极限不断降低,且UELmixture(混合物可燃性上限)的降低幅度明显高于LELmixture(混合物可燃性下限)。此外,最大压力上升率以及爆燃指数随着乙醇的添加都呈现明显的降低趋势,计算得出本研究的最大爆燃指数为11.85 MPa·m/s。
      结论  研究成果揭示了当量比和掺混比例对混合燃料爆炸特性影响规律,为加氢站制氢和储氢过程中降低爆炸风险提供坚实的理论基础。


      Introduction  During the hydrogen production process at hydrogen refueling stations, the mixture of ethanol and hydrogen can easily form a combustible gas, which may explode if ignited by sparks or high temperatures. In order to reduce the risk of explosion during hydrogen production and storage at hydrogen refueling stations, experimental research is essential.
      Method  The explosion characteristic parameters were analyzed for hydrogen-ethanol-air mixture with different equivalence ratios and ethanol blending ratios at 1 bar and 400 K. By calculating the flammability limit and deflagration index of mixed gas, the degree of explosion hazard was evaluated, and effective safety measures were formulated to reduce the risk of explosion.
      Result  The experimental research results show that an increase in the equivalence ratio will shorten the explosion time, making it ultimately tend to a stable value. The stable explosion times corresponding to hydrogen volume fractions (30%, 50%, 70%) are 0.03 s, 0.025 s, and 0.019 s. The maximum explosion pressure, maximum pressure rise rate, and deflagration index all increase and then decrease with the increase of equivalence ratio, reaching their peak at an equivalence ratio of 1.3. The flammability limit of the mixed gas continues to decrease with the addition of ethanol, and the decrease in UELmixture (upper flammability limit of mixture) is significantly higher than that in LELmixture (lower flammability limit of mixture). In addition, the maximum pressure rise rate and deflagration index show a significant decreasing trend with the addition of ethanol, and the maximum deflagration index calculated for this research is 11.85 MPa·m/s.
      Conclusion  The research results have revealed the effect of equivalence ratio and blending ratio on the explosion characteristics of mixed fuels, providing a solid theoretical basis for reducing explosion risks in hydrogen production and storage processes at hydrogen refueling stations.


