周登科,程龙,张亚平,等. 海上升压站机器人智能巡检系统应用分析[J]. 南方能源建设,2025,12(1):116-126.. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-088
引用本文: 周登科,程龙,张亚平,等. 海上升压站机器人智能巡检系统应用分析[J]. 南方能源建设,2025,12(1):116-126.. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-088
ZHOU Dengke, CHENG Long, ZHANG Yaping, et al. Application analysis of intelligent robot inspection system at offshore step-up substation [J]. Southern energy construction, 2025, 12(1): 116-126. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-088
Citation: ZHOU Dengke, CHENG Long, ZHANG Yaping, et al. Application analysis of intelligent robot inspection system at offshore step-up substation [J]. Southern energy construction, 2025, 12(1): 116-126. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-088


Application Analysis of Intelligent Robot Inspection System at Offshore Step-up Substation

  • 摘要:
    目的 海上升压站是海上风电场的电能汇集中心,其巡检运维对于保障海上风电场安全生产和效益提升至关重要。随着海上风电场向深远海发展,人工出海巡检模式带来的安全风险、运维成本、巡检效率等问题不断凸显,海上风电场智能化巡检需求剧增。为了有效解决海上风电升压站中巡检频次高、难度大、效率低等问题,设计了机器人智能巡检系统。
    方法 文章首先设计了基于感知层-网络层-应用层3层体系的智能巡检系统架构。然后,从后台管理系统、机器人系统、通信供电系统及仪表图像识别技术4个方面对机器人巡检系统进行设计。最后,从适应于机器人巡检的升压站改造、机器人安装和巡检任务规划对机器人应用步骤进行了设计。
    结果 将机器人巡检系统在海上新、老升压站进行应用实践,实现了海上升压站设备状态的远程化巡视和巡检数据的智能化分析。
    结论 设计的机器人智能巡检系统具有巡检效率高、管理成本低、应急巡检能力强等优点,显著提高了海上升压站的巡检效率,降低了海上风电运维成本。研究结果对海上风电运维智慧化转型有重要参考意义。


    Objective The offshore step-up substation serves as the central hub for power collection in offshore wind farms, and its inspection, operation and maintenance are crucial to ensuring safe production and improving efficiency. As offshore wind farms continue to expand into deeper and farther waters, the safety risks, operation and maintenance costs, inspection efficiency and other problems brought by the manual inspection mode become even more prominent, leading to the increasing demand for intelligent inspection of offshore wind farms. To effectively address the challenges of frequent inspections, high difficulty and low efficiency in offshore wind power step-up substation, an intelligent robot inspection system is designed in this paper.
    Method  Firstly, a three-layer system architecture of the intelligent inspection system was designed, comprising perception-layer, network-layer and application-layer. Subsequently, detailed information about the robot inspection system was provided, including background management system, robot system design, communication power supply system design, and instrument image recognition technology. Finally, the application steps of the robot were designed from the transformation of the step-up substation, the installation mode of the robot and the inspection task planning.
    Result The developed robot inspection system is successfully applied to both new and old offshore step-up substations. It realizes remote inspections of equipment status at offshore step-up substations and facilitates intelligent analysis of inspection data.
    Conclusion The advantages of the proposed robot intelligent inspection system include high efficiency in inspections, reduces management costs and enhanced emergency response capabilities. These improvements significantly enhance operation and maintenance efficiency while reducing costs associated with offshore wind power generation. The research findings have important implications for advancing intelligence in offshore wind power operation and maintenance.


