Zero-phase CARIMA Filtering and Application in Wind-storage System Sizing and Power Dispatch Optimization
Graphical Abstract
Hybrid energy storage system (HESS) is an effective way to mitigate wind power fluctuations on multi-time scale, and can improve influence of large-scale grid-connected wind power on stability and reliability of power system. A novel methodology named zero-phase controlled auto-regressive integrated moving-average (CARIMA) filter is proposed to integrate HESS to smooth wind power fluctuations. First, a design method for zero-phase CARIMA filter is provided, and then used to determine grid-connected power for a wind storage system and size HESS. The reasons, direct current (DC) component caused by energy storage efficiency and grid-connected power delay caused by phase shift, for causing superfluous energy storage configuration are revealed. In addition, a nonlinear programming scheduling strategy considering battery degradation is proposed. Power imbalance caused by efficiency difference during dynamic adjustment of energy storage output power is addressed. Furthermore, thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs) are integrated in sizing and scheduling HESS to reduce energy storage demand and improve operating conditions of energy storage. Finally, effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified by a case study.