吕有伟, 柳磊, 王新良, 王东, 刘成, 马国伟. 合缸汽轮机组自激振动故障研究[J]. 黑龙江电力, 2024, 46(3): 274-279. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.017
引用本文: 吕有伟, 柳磊, 王新良, 王东, 刘成, 马国伟. 合缸汽轮机组自激振动故障研究[J]. 黑龙江电力, 2024, 46(3): 274-279. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.017
LU: You-wei, LIU Lei, WANG Xin-liang, WANG Dong, LIU Cheng, MA Guo-wei. Study on self-excited vibration fault of steam turbine with a combined HP-IP cylinder[J]. Heilongjiang Electric Power, 2024, 46(3): 274-279. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.017
Citation: LU: You-wei, LIU Lei, WANG Xin-liang, WANG Dong, LIU Cheng, MA Guo-wei. Study on self-excited vibration fault of steam turbine with a combined HP-IP cylinder[J]. Heilongjiang Electric Power, 2024, 46(3): 274-279. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.017


Study on self-excited vibration fault of steam turbine with a combined HP-IP cylinder

  • 摘要: 火电机组要接受电网“两个细则”考核,经常出现锅炉燃烧不稳定,主蒸汽压力、温度等运行参数剧烈波动,甚至出现汽轮机振动超标等问题。以汽流扰动引起的汽轮机高中压转子低频振动故障为出发点,研究汽轮机轴瓦失稳及汽流激振振动的机理,针对振动特征提出解决措施。研究表明,通过汽轮机调门流量特性函数优化,并结合增强轴瓦稳定性,能够消除合缸机组高中压转子低频振动故障。


    Abstract: Thermal power units to accept the power grid "Two Rules" assessment, there are often problems such as unstable combustion of boilers, violent fluctuation of main steam pressure, temperature and other operating parameters, and even excessive vibration. Based on the low-frequency vibration fault of steam turbine high and medium pressure rotor caused by steam flow disturbance, the mechanism of steam flow-induced vibration and bearing instability of steam turbine are studied, and the solution measures are proposed according to the vibration characteristics. The results show that the low-frequency vibration fault of high and medium pressure rotor can be eliminated by optimizing the flow characteristic function of steam turbine regulating valve and enhancing the stability of bearing bush.


