郑伟. 粉尘浓度高对于电厂脱硫系统的影响分析与改造[J]. 黑龙江电力, 2024, 46(3): 269-273. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.016
引用本文: 郑伟. 粉尘浓度高对于电厂脱硫系统的影响分析与改造[J]. 黑龙江电力, 2024, 46(3): 269-273. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.016
ZHENG Wei. Influence analysis and improvement of high dust concentration on power plant desulfurization system[J]. Heilongjiang Electric Power, 2024, 46(3): 269-273. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.016
Citation: ZHENG Wei. Influence analysis and improvement of high dust concentration on power plant desulfurization system[J]. Heilongjiang Electric Power, 2024, 46(3): 269-273. DOI: 10.13625/j.cnki.hljep.2024.03.016


Influence analysis and improvement of high dust concentration on power plant desulfurization system

  • 摘要: 为保障脱硫系统的高效稳定运行,阐述平海电厂吸收塔系统的工艺流程与反应原理,分析粉尘浓度高对脱硫系统的不利影响。提出优化的石膏一级脱水系统,用以解决排废水与产石膏之间的矛盾,通过新增一路直排到废水处理系统,提升吸收塔浆液品质,又保证石膏品质。实践表明,此技术改造方法可行。


    Abstract: In order to ensure the efficient and stable operation of the desulphurization system, the process flow and reaction principle of the absorption tower system at Pinghai Power Plant are described, and the adverse effects of high dust concentration on the desulphurization system are analyzed. An optimized gypsum primary dehydration system is proposed to solve the contradiction between wastewater discharge and gypsum production, and to improve the absorber slurry quality and ensure the gypsum quality by adding a new line to the wastewater treatment system. The practice shows that this method is feasible.


