To ensure the thermal stability of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor(IGBT) between the heat dissipation and cooling, the operation area of the high-voltage IGBT chip should be limited by its electrothermal characteristics and cooling design so as to guide the operation control of the device. The thermal stability analysis for chips’ static and dynamic loss has been developed for many years, but researches on the high-voltage chips are still few. In this paper, we first measured the static and dynamic characteristics of 3.3 kV NPT and FS IGBT chips by experiments and obtained the influence law of temperature, current and voltage on dynamic and static loss characteristics. Based on the experiment results, the loss fitting formulas were proposed in this paper. Then, by modeling the thermal feedback process in the device, the analytical thermal stability criterions for IGBT chip were put forward, which consider the operation conditions like duty cycle and switching frequency. According to the proposed criteria, the thermal stability of NPT IGBT and FS IGBT were analyzed in this paper respectively, so that the maximum switching frequency and the maximum current under different operation conditions can be easily determined. Meanwhile, the proposed criteria simplify the thermal stability analysis of the high-voltage IGBT chips and provide a guidance for the device selection and the loss evaluation.