何磊, 唐宝锋, 薛林, 刘海峰, 梁栋, 张旋. 新型电力系统背景下智慧配电物联网云主站建设与应用[J]. 供用电, 2023, 40(7): 25-32. DOI: 10.19421/j.cnki.1006-6357.2023.07.004
引用本文: 何磊, 唐宝锋, 薛林, 刘海峰, 梁栋, 张旋. 新型电力系统背景下智慧配电物联网云主站建设与应用[J]. 供用电, 2023, 40(7): 25-32. DOI: 10.19421/j.cnki.1006-6357.2023.07.004
HE Lei, TANG Baofeng, XUE Lin, LIU Haifeng, LIANG Dong, ZHANG Xuan. Construction and application of intelligent power distribution internet of things cloud master station under the background of new power system[J]. Distribution & Utilization, 2023, 40(7): 25-32. DOI: 10.19421/j.cnki.1006-6357.2023.07.004
Citation: HE Lei, TANG Baofeng, XUE Lin, LIU Haifeng, LIANG Dong, ZHANG Xuan. Construction and application of intelligent power distribution internet of things cloud master station under the background of new power system[J]. Distribution & Utilization, 2023, 40(7): 25-32. DOI: 10.19421/j.cnki.1006-6357.2023.07.004


Construction and application of intelligent power distribution internet of things cloud master station under the background of new power system

  • 摘要: 为了提升配电网全景感知及智能化管控水平,提出了新型电力系统背景下智慧配电物联网云主站建设方案,并对其应用场景进行了归纳。阐述了智慧配电物联网云主站的相关技术和发展现状,并揭示了现有配电物联网云主站在状态全面感知、信息高效处理、决策分析智能简洁、功能应用便捷灵活等方面难以兼顾的问题。以雄安地区为例,提出智慧配电物联网云主站建设方案和系统分层架构,并详细阐述了配电物联网云主站面向配电物联应用、智慧管廊及智能开关站等11种应用场景及功能。同时,明晰了云主站在新型电力系统中的应用价值与未来发展方向。研究表明,智慧配电物联网云主站可以实现对配电系统的全面监控和管理,提高系统运行的可靠性和安全性。


    Abstract: In order to improve the panoramic perception and intelligent control level of the distribution network, this article proposes a construction plan for a smart distribution internet of things(IoT) cloud platform under the background of a new power system,and summarizes its application scenarios. The article elaborates on the relevant technologies and development status of the smart distribution IoT cloud platform, and reveals the problems difficulty to balance of existing distribution IoT cloud platforms between comprehensive state perception, efficient information processing, intelligent and concise decision analysis, and convenient and flexible application of functions. Taking the Xiong’an area as an example, this article proposes a construction plan and system hierarchical architecture for the smart distribution IoT cloud platform, and elaborates on the functions of the platform in 11application scenarios, such as distribution IoT applications, smart corridors, and intelligent switch stations. At the same time, the application value and future development direction of the cloud platform in the new power system are clarified. The study shows that the smart distribution IoT cloud platform can realize comprehensive monitoring and management of the distribution system, and improve the reliability and safety of system operation.


