王子辉, 贾燕冰, 韩肖清, 李彦晨, 张泽, 刘佳婕. 计及谐波静态电压稳定的配电网光储容量优化[J]. 高电压技术, 2025, 51(2): 864-875. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241144
引用本文: 王子辉, 贾燕冰, 韩肖清, 李彦晨, 张泽, 刘佳婕. 计及谐波静态电压稳定的配电网光储容量优化[J]. 高电压技术, 2025, 51(2): 864-875. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241144
WANG Zihui, JIA Yanbing, HAN Xiaoqing, LI Yanchen, ZHANG Ze, LIU Jiajie. Optimal Capacity Configuration of Photovoltaic and Storage in Distribution Network Considering the Influence of Harmonic Static Voltage Stability[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2025, 51(2): 864-875. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241144
Citation: WANG Zihui, JIA Yanbing, HAN Xiaoqing, LI Yanchen, ZHANG Ze, LIU Jiajie. Optimal Capacity Configuration of Photovoltaic and Storage in Distribution Network Considering the Influence of Harmonic Static Voltage Stability[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2025, 51(2): 864-875. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241144


Optimal Capacity Configuration of Photovoltaic and Storage in Distribution Network Considering the Influence of Harmonic Static Voltage Stability

  • 摘要: “双碳”背景下,大量分布式电源的接入增大了配网谐波注入,也使得系统静态电压稳定面临巨大的挑战。为此,该文分析了分布式电源并网后谐波对静态电压稳定的影响,并提出谐波静态电压稳定极限点和裕度指标,采用一种改进的N阶斐波那契对称搜索方法以加快谐波静态电压稳定分析速度。计及谐波静态稳定裕度提出一种配电网光储双层优化配置模型,上层以光储年投资运行成本、谐波静态电压稳定裕度、弃光率及储能收益为目标优化光储容量,探究光储并网容量与配网谐波及静态电压稳定裕度之间的联系;下层开展典型日运行模拟,以运行成本最低为目标分析光储运行情况,以典型场景分析规划方案对实际运行的影响。最后,以修改的IEEE-33系统验证了所提方法的有效性,结果表明,考虑谐波静态电压稳定裕度指标开展光储优化配置,可以避免典型场景下配电网谐波超标,提升配电网运行稳定裕度,降低运行成本,有序引导配电网光储建设。


    Abstract: Under the "dual carbon" initiative(namely, carbon peak and carbon neutrality), the integration of numerous distributed energy sources significantly increases harmonic injections in distribution networks, posing considerable challenges to static voltage stability. This paper analyzes the impact of harmonics from distributed generation on static voltage stability and introduces the concept of harmonic static voltage stability limit and margin indices. An improved N-order Fibonacci symmetric search method is proposed to accelerate the analysis of harmonic static voltage stability. Furthermore, a double-layer optimization model for photovoltaic-storage allocation in distribution networks is developed, accounting for harmonic static voltage stability margin. The upper layer optimizes photovoltaic-storage capacity based on annual investment and operational costs, harmonic static voltage stability margin, curtailment rate, and storage benefits, exploring the relationship between photovoltaic-storage capacity and the network's harmonic levels and voltage stability margin. The lower layer simulates typical daily operations, targeting minimal operating costs to evaluate photovoltaic-storage performance and analyze the impact of the planning scheme on real-world operations. Finally, a modified IEEE-33 system validates the effectiveness of the proposed method. Results demonstrate that considering harmonic static voltage stability margin in photovoltaic-storage optimization can prevent harmonic violations under typical scenarios, enhance network operational stability, and reduce costs, thereby guiding the orderly development of photovoltaic-storage integration in distribution networks.


