邹强, 姜崇学, 徐莹, 陆立文, 樊林禛. 特高压柔性直流双阀组功率自循环策略[J]. 高电压技术, 2025, 51(2): 530-537. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241020
引用本文: 邹强, 姜崇学, 徐莹, 陆立文, 樊林禛. 特高压柔性直流双阀组功率自循环策略[J]. 高电压技术, 2025, 51(2): 530-537. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241020
ZOU Qiang, JIANG Chongxue, XU Ying, LU Liwen, FAN Linzhen. Power Self-circulation Strategy for Ultra High Voltage Flexible DC Dual Valve Group[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2025, 51(2): 530-537. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241020
Citation: ZOU Qiang, JIANG Chongxue, XU Ying, LU Liwen, FAN Linzhen. Power Self-circulation Strategy for Ultra High Voltage Flexible DC Dual Valve Group[J]. High Voltage Engineering, 2025, 51(2): 530-537. DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20241020


Power Self-circulation Strategy for Ultra High Voltage Flexible DC Dual Valve Group

  • 摘要: 特高压柔性直流系统包含高压端阀组和低压端阀组,其拓扑采用常规特高压直流的技术方案。为了实现单换流站内不经直流线路的阀组间有功功率和无功功率的平衡传输,采用双阀组功率自循环策略并进行试验验证。以特高压柔性直流双阀组背靠背运行方式的技术方案为基础,在主回路设计方面,使双阀组的高低压端母线相互连接;在运行策略方面,通过改变以往输电工程的单端单一控制模式,使一个阀组采用定直流电压控制,另一个阀组定有功功率控制,从而实现有功功率自循环,同时调节双阀组的无功功率,实现自主可控,进而在单站双阀组间形成功率闭环。基于实时数字仿真平台的研究结果表明,该策略可以在特高压柔性直流双阀组功率传送期间,有效验证设备大功率耐受,并减少对交流电网的扰动,在特高压柔性直流工程中具有一定的应用前景。


    Abstract: The ultra-high-voltage DC system based on voltage source converter (VSC-UHVDC) adopts the technical solution of conventional UHVDC, which is composed of high-voltage and low-voltage valve group. To facilitate balanced transmission of active and reactive power between valve groups within a single converter station without utilizing DC lines, a dual valve group power self-circulation strategy is implemented and validated through experiments. Based on the technical solution of ultra-high-voltage flexible DC double valve groups operating in a back-to-back configuration, in terms of main circuit, the buses of high-voltage and low-voltage valve groups are connected to each other. In terms of operation strategy, different from single control mode of previous transmission projects, one valve group determines the direct current voltage and the other valve group determines the active power, and one valve group adopts the DC voltage control mode while the other adopts the active power control mode, thus the active power self-circulation is achieved within a single station; meantime, the reactive power of the double valve groups can be autonomously controlled. Therefore, a power closed-loop is formed within a single station between two valve groups. The simulation results based on real time digital simulation (RTDS) indicate that this strategy can effectively verify the high-power capability of equipment and reduce the disturbance on AC grid during the power transmission period between two valve groups of VSC-UHVDC. Good prospects in application have been realized in ultra-high voltage flexible DC engineering.


