舰船电缆通用规范GJB 774A—2020解析
Analysis on Naval Ship Cable General Specification GJB 774A—2020
摘要: 介绍了我国舰船用电线电缆标准体系基本概况、GJB 774A—2020通用规范的制定理念和技术变化,以及其与目前仍在应用的GJB 1916—1994之间的差异。在分析的基础上给出了标准并存阶段下的行业发展建议。Abstract: The General standards system of electrical wires and cables of naval ships, formulation concept and technology content variations of GJB 774A—2020 general specification, and the difference between GJB 774A—2020 and low smoke naval ship cable general specification GJB 1916—1994 were introduced. On the basis of analysis, it gives development suggestions in the coexistence stage of these two standards.