王英英, 金明亮, 李勇, 许浩千, 林湘宁, 翁汉琍, 李正天, 魏繁荣. 保障各种复杂故障工况下解优质率的电网故障诊断解析模型[J]. 电网与清洁能源, 2024, 40(9): 1-12.
引用本文: 王英英, 金明亮, 李勇, 许浩千, 林湘宁, 翁汉琍, 李正天, 魏繁荣. 保障各种复杂故障工况下解优质率的电网故障诊断解析模型[J]. 电网与清洁能源, 2024, 40(9): 1-12.
WANG Yingying, JIN Mingliang, LI Yong, XU Haoqian, LIN Xiangning, WENG Hanli, LI Zhengtian, WEI Fanrong. An Analytical Model for Power Grid Fault Diagnosis to Ensure High-Quality Solutions under Various Complex Fault Conditions[J]. Power system and Clean Energy, 2024, 40(9): 1-12.
Citation: WANG Yingying, JIN Mingliang, LI Yong, XU Haoqian, LIN Xiangning, WENG Hanli, LI Zhengtian, WEI Fanrong. An Analytical Model for Power Grid Fault Diagnosis to Ensure High-Quality Solutions under Various Complex Fault Conditions[J]. Power system and Clean Energy, 2024, 40(9): 1-12.


An Analytical Model for Power Grid Fault Diagnosis to Ensure High-Quality Solutions under Various Complex Fault Conditions

  • 摘要: 经典电网故障诊断解析模型是非线性0-1整数规划模型,其难以精确求解,启发式算法虽能获得可行解,但求解准确性和一致性难以保证,且求解时间较长,不利于基于诊断结果的故障排查和设备运维。对传统故障诊断模型进行改进,降低了模型的复杂度,实现了目标函数的线性化,据此构建了基于整数线性规划的电网故障诊断解析模型。Gurobi具有将启发式算法和整数线性规划求解算法有机结合的优点,将其应用于求解基于0-1整数线性规划的诊断模型,解决了传统启发式寻优算法因算法自身的局限性而陷入仅获得局部最优解甚至错解、以及求解速度慢等问题。通过算例对新型电网故障诊断模型的有效性和优越性进行验证,结果表明:相较于基于遗传算法、模拟退火算法、粒子群算法等启发式算法的传统模型,改进模型求解的速度与精度均显著得到了提高。


    Abstract: The classical power grid fault diagnosis analytical model based on integer programming is of simple logic,strong interpretability,and strong practicality. However,it is constrained by the relatively high dimensionality of the models,making it challenging to employ precise algorithms for objective function solving. As a substitute,heuristic optimization algorithms like genetic algorithms are utilized,resulting in solutions with only approximate accuracy. Furthermore,each attempt at solving may yield inconsistent results,leading to an increase in misdiagnosis rates. Additionally,heuristic algorithms entail longer solving times, which are detrimental to fault identification based on diagnostic outcomes and equipment maintenance. To address these challenges,this study enhances traditional fault diagnosis models by linearizing the objective function,thereby reducing model complexity. This adjustment paves the way for the introduction of Gurobi, a strong commercial solver tailored to integer linear programming problems. Leveraging the characteristics of Gurobi heuristic algorithms and linear programming, we propose a solution approach for diagnosing models based on 0-1 integer linear programming. This approach overcomes the limitations of traditional heuristic optimization algorithms,which often get trapped in local optima,produce erroneous results,or exhibit slow solving speeds. Finally,through numerical examples,the effectiveness and superiority of the novel power grid fault diagnosis model are validated. The results demonstrate that compared to the traditional models that employ heuristic algorithms like genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, or particle swarm optimization for solving,the improved model significantly enhances both speed and accuracy in solving.


