李琳, 冀鲁豫, 张一驰, 孙为民, 安学民, 屠竞哲, 何剑, 周勤勇, 江涵. 巴基斯坦“1·9”大停电事故初步分析及启示[J]. 电网技术, 2022, 46(2): 655-661. DOI: 10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2021.0620
引用本文: 李琳, 冀鲁豫, 张一驰, 孙为民, 安学民, 屠竞哲, 何剑, 周勤勇, 江涵. 巴基斯坦“1·9”大停电事故初步分析及启示[J]. 电网技术, 2022, 46(2): 655-661. DOI: 10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2021.0620
LI Lin, JI Luyu, ZHANG Yichi, SUN Weimin, AN Xuemin, TU Jingzhe, HE Jian, ZHOU Qinyong, JIANG Han. Preliminary Analysis and Lessons of Blackout in Pakistan Power Grid on January 9, 2021[J]. Power System Technology, 2022, 46(2): 655-661. DOI: 10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2021.0620
Citation: LI Lin, JI Luyu, ZHANG Yichi, SUN Weimin, AN Xuemin, TU Jingzhe, HE Jian, ZHOU Qinyong, JIANG Han. Preliminary Analysis and Lessons of Blackout in Pakistan Power Grid on January 9, 2021[J]. Power System Technology, 2022, 46(2): 655-661. DOI: 10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2021.0620


Preliminary Analysis and Lessons of Blackout in Pakistan Power Grid on January 9, 2021

  • 摘要: 2021年1月9日,巴基斯坦古杜电厂故障导致国家电力系统连锁反应,引发巴基斯坦自建国以来最大规模停电事故。事故导致巴境内所有主要城市陷入黑暗,包括首都伊斯兰堡、经济中心卡拉奇及第二大城市拉合尔。文中介绍了巴基斯坦电网概况,叙述了事故前电网运行状况及事故的发展过程、恢复等情况,从网架结构、保护机制、管理流程等方面初步分析了事故发生的主要原因。对比分析了巴基斯坦三次大停电事故,并结合我国电力系统实际,提出了此次巴基斯坦大停电事故对我国电力系统的启示。


    Abstract: On January 9, 2021, the failure of Pakistan's Gudu Power Plant caused a cascading failure of its national power system, triggering the largest power outage in Pakistan since the founding of the country. The accident caused great darkness in all the major cities in Pakistan, including Islamabad, the capital city, Karachi, the economic center, and Lahore, the second largest city. The article introduces the general situation of Pakistan's power grid, describes the operation status of the power grid before the accident, and illustrates the development process and the recovery of the accident. The main reasons for the accident are preliminarily analyzed from the grid structure, the protection mechanism, the management process, etc. A comparative analysis of the three major blackouts in Pakistan is given. Combined with the reality of my country's power system, the enlightenment of the Pakistan blackouts to China's power system is proposed.


