姜洪浪, 赵婷, 王晓东, 左嘉, 王爽. 新型电力系统中直流分量影响下电能计量准确性的研究[J]. 电力信息与通信技术, 2025, 23(2): 71-76. DOI: 10.16543/j.2095-641x.electric.power.ict.2025.02.09
引用本文: 姜洪浪, 赵婷, 王晓东, 左嘉, 王爽. 新型电力系统中直流分量影响下电能计量准确性的研究[J]. 电力信息与通信技术, 2025, 23(2): 71-76. DOI: 10.16543/j.2095-641x.electric.power.ict.2025.02.09
JIANG Honglang, ZHAO Ting, WANG Xiaodong, ZUO Jia, WANG Shuang. Research on the Accuracy of Electricity Metering Under the Influence of DC Component in A New Type of Power System[J]. Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, 2025, 23(2): 71-76. DOI: 10.16543/j.2095-641x.electric.power.ict.2025.02.09
Citation: JIANG Honglang, ZHAO Ting, WANG Xiaodong, ZUO Jia, WANG Shuang. Research on the Accuracy of Electricity Metering Under the Influence of DC Component in A New Type of Power System[J]. Electric Power Information and Communication Technology, 2025, 23(2): 71-76. DOI: 10.16543/j.2095-641x.electric.power.ict.2025.02.09


Research on the Accuracy of Electricity Metering Under the Influence of DC Component in A New Type of Power System

  • 摘要: “双碳”目标下,构建新型电力系统是建设新型能源体系的关键内容和重要载体,是极具挑战性、开创性的系统工程。随着新型电力系统的推进,越来越多的电力电子类非线性负载大量应用,电力系统中电压电流波形不是理想的正弦波形,系统中包含有大量的直流分量,针对这种非理想电网下的电能计量准确性问题更加受到重视。文中从系统含有直流分量情况下互感器的传输特性研究开始,分析直流分量对互感器传输特性的影响,提出了一种直流分量下减小互感器比差的补偿电路。该补偿电路通过检测电路中直流分量来同步补偿由于直流分量造成互感器铁芯磁通的偏离,使互感器在测量范围内均处于线性区间,以保证电能计量的准确性。经实验验证,系统中存在直流分量时,补偿电路能够明显提升互感器的电能计量准确性。


    Abstract: Under the goal of "dual carbon", the construction of a new type of power system is the key content and important carrier of the construction of a new energy system, and it is an extremely challenging and pioneering system engineering. With the advancement of a new type of power system, more and more power electronic nonlinear loads are widely used, the voltage and current waveform in the power system is not an ideal sinusoidal waveform, and the system contains a large number of DC components. More attention has been paid to the accuracy of electricity metering under this non-ideal power grid. In this paper, starting from the study of the transmission characteristics of the transformer when the system contains DC components, the influence of the DC component on the transmission characteristics of the transformer is analyzed, and a compensation circuit to reduce the ratio difference of the transformer under the DC component is proposed. This compensation circuit synchronously compensates for the deviation of the magnetic flux of the transformer core caused by the DC component, so that the transformer is in the linear range within the measurement range, so as to ensure the accuracy of electricity metering. Experiments have verified that when there is a DC component in the system, the compensation circuit can significantly improve the accuracy of electricity metering of the transformer.


