Power communication backbone transmission network mainly includes SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) and OTN (optical transport network) systems, which carry services such as specific lines for protection and stability control, data communication, voice exchange, and video conferencing. Traditional SDH technology, with a single-ring bandwidth limit of 10 Gbit/s, has become unable to meet the demand for bandwidth growth. While OTN technology addresses the bandwidth issue, its large pipeline granularity hinders its effectiveness in carrying production and control-related services. With the emergence of small-granularity technologies in OTN and SPN (slice packet network), vertical industry private networks now have new technological options. This paper mainly compares and analyzes various new technologies across multiple dimensions, such as standard evolution, industry development, technical analysis, economy, and network compatibility through industry and manufacturer research, standard research, etc. Finally, it provides suggestions for the evolution of the next generation power transmission network for power control services.