鲍雪娜, 张建成, 徐明, 刘汉民. 基于混合储能的并网光伏电站有功分级控制策略[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2013, 37(1): 115-121.
引用本文: 鲍雪娜, 张建成, 徐明, 刘汉民. 基于混合储能的并网光伏电站有功分级控制策略[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2013, 37(1): 115-121.
BAO Xue-na, ZHANG Jian-cheng, XU Ming, LIU Han-min. Active Power Hierarchical Control Strategy of Interconnected Photovoltaic Station Based on Hybrid Energy Storage[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2013, 37(1): 115-121.
Citation: BAO Xue-na, ZHANG Jian-cheng, XU Ming, LIU Han-min. Active Power Hierarchical Control Strategy of Interconnected Photovoltaic Station Based on Hybrid Energy Storage[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2013, 37(1): 115-121.


Active Power Hierarchical Control Strategy of Interconnected Photovoltaic Station Based on Hybrid Energy Storage

  • 摘要: 针对自然条件下光伏电源有功出力的波动性,以超级电容器和磷酸铁锂电池组成的混合储能系统为基础,制定了有功分级控制策略。首先分析了光伏电站整体结构及混合储能装置的接入方式,然后考虑电网需求利用指数平滑法来实时更新光伏电站整体出力参考值,实现第1级控制。根据储能元件能量存储与功率吞吐特性,提出了以超级电容器为充放电主体的混合储能系统能量管理策略,实现第2级控制,并设计了脉宽调制的控制原理电路。编程计算结果证实了所述方法的有效性。


    Abstract: In view of the active power fluctuation of large capacity photovoltaic(PV) power systems,based on a hybrid energy storage system consisting of supercapacitors and lithium-ion ferrous phosphate batteries,an active power hierarchical control strategy is formulated to optimize the output power of PV source.First,the overall structure of photovoltaic power station and the way of accessing the hybrid energy storage system are analyzed.Then,by considering the power grid needs,the exponential smoothing method is used to real-time update the reference values of output power to realize the first level control.The energy management strategy is put forward according to the storage characteristics of energy storage components and power throughput so as to realize the second level control of the hybrid energy storage system.In addition,an energy management strategy is put forward with supercapacitors as the principal part of charge and discharge.Finally,a control circuit of pulse width modulation(PWM) is designed.Programming results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


