马泽宇, 姜久春, 文锋, 郑林锋, 郭宏榆, 时玮. 用于储能系统的梯次利用锂电池组均衡策略设计[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2014, 38(3): 106-111,117.
引用本文: 马泽宇, 姜久春, 文锋, 郑林锋, 郭宏榆, 时玮. 用于储能系统的梯次利用锂电池组均衡策略设计[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2014, 38(3): 106-111,117.
MA Zeyu, JIANG Jiuchun, WEN Feng, ZHENG Linfeng, GUO Hongyu, SHI Wei. Design of Equilibrium Strategy of Echelon Use Li-ion Battery Pack for Energy Storage System[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2014, 38(3): 106-111,117.
Citation: MA Zeyu, JIANG Jiuchun, WEN Feng, ZHENG Linfeng, GUO Hongyu, SHI Wei. Design of Equilibrium Strategy of Echelon Use Li-ion Battery Pack for Energy Storage System[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2014, 38(3): 106-111,117.


Design of Equilibrium Strategy of Echelon Use Li-ion Battery Pack for Energy Storage System

  • 摘要: 以北京奥运会纯电动大巴车用淘汰锰酸锂电池为研究对象,在研究车用淘汰电池容量和内阻特性的基础上,分析其梯次利用于电池储能系统可能带来的更严重的电池组一致性问题。结合电池一致性评价方法,分析了基于电池组容量利用率的均衡判据。针对电池储能系统削峰填谷的应用特点,提出了以电池组容量利用最大化为目标的在线均衡策略。最后,设计了电池组充电均衡电路并搭建了电池组均衡测试平台进行实验,验证了在线均衡系统及控制策略的可行性和可靠性。


    Abstract: Based on an analysis of capacity and internal resistance characteristics of the eliminated lithium manganese batteries for the Beijing Olympic Games pure electric bus,more serious battery pack consistency issues due to battery echelon use are discussed in detail.With reference to the battery consistency evaluation method,the battery equilibrium criterion is analyzed based on capacity utilization of the battery pack.And in light of the load shift application of battery energy storage system,an online equilibrium strategy for maximizing the capacity utilization is proposed.The battery pack charging equalization circuit and equalization test platform are built prior to testing and verifying the feasibility and reliability of the online equalization system and its control strategy.


