Improved Mathematical Model of Minimum Energy Consumption for Load Distribution of Cascade Hydropower Plants
摘要: 针对梯级负荷分配耗能最小模型在实际应用中存在的梯级耗能与梯级水库状态转移路径有关的不合常理现象,文中研究了梯级水库的能量变化关系,分析了不蓄电能损失和尾水水头损失对水库能耗的影响,对耗能最小模型进行了改进和完善。以湖南五强溪—凌津滩梯级水库系统为例,仿真结果表明,与按耗能最小模型的最优方案运行相比,按文中改进模型的最优方案运行,梯级系统耗能减少了1.61%,说明改进的模型能够更准确地反映梯级水库系统的能量变化关系和规律。Abstract: In view of the existence of illogical phenomenon of minimum energy consumption related to state shift path of load distribution of cascade hydropower plants in actual application,a study is made of the energy change relation of the cascade system and an analysis is made of the state shift path of cascade hydropower plants.Some improvements are made on the minimum energy consumption model based on a study of the energy change relationships between cascade reservoirs and an analysis of the influences of energy loss of inflow and head loss of tail water on energy consumption of the reservoir.The Wuqiangxi-Lingjintan cascade hydropower system is taken as an example to show that the optimal scheme of the improved model consumes 1.61% less energy than that of the minimum energy consumption model,which demonstrates that the improved model can more accurately reflect the energy change relationships and laws of cascade reservoir system compared with the minimum energy consumption model.