姚若玉, 曲小慧, 郁继栋, 王国雨, 陈武. 自适应电池充电曲线的三线圈电池无线充电器[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2022, 46(7): 170-177.
引用本文: 姚若玉, 曲小慧, 郁继栋, 王国雨, 陈武. 自适应电池充电曲线的三线圈电池无线充电器[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2022, 46(7): 170-177.
YAO Ruoyu, QU Xiaohui, YU Jidong, WANG Guoyu, CHEN Wu. Three-coil Wireless Battery Charger with Self-adaptation to Battery Charging Curve[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2022, 46(7): 170-177.
Citation: YAO Ruoyu, QU Xiaohui, YU Jidong, WANG Guoyu, CHEN Wu. Three-coil Wireless Battery Charger with Self-adaptation to Battery Charging Curve[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2022, 46(7): 170-177.


Three-coil Wireless Battery Charger with Self-adaptation to Battery Charging Curve

  • 摘要: 目前的无线供电应用中多采用锂电池作为负载,无线充电器应提供电池所需的先恒流后恒压输出,其中恒流与恒压的切换多依赖后级变换器、复合拓扑或高阶网络来实现,控制复杂,可靠性差。为解决该问题,文中提出了一种可自适应电池充电曲线的三线圈电池无线充电系统,该系统通过在原边侧增加辅助线圈和无源整流桥,实现恒流与恒压模式的自动切换,不需要额外控制;辅助线圈通过特定补偿网络与输入源并联,输出阈值不受磁路耦合机构参数限制,自适应于任意电池充电曲线。该三线圈电池无线充电器在2种充电模式下均工作在同一频率,保证逆变器软开关与变换器近似零无功环流,降低了器件应力,提高了传输效率,且该电路具有自动开路保护功能。文中系统阐述了该充电器的拓扑结构设计原则和工作原理,并搭建了一台输出为72 V/2.5 A的实验样机,验证了所提充电器的有效性。


    Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used as loads in current wireless power supply applications. The wireless battery charger should provide an initial constant current(CC) and a subsequent constant voltage(CV) output required by the battery. The additional converter at the secondary side, the hybrid topology, or the high-order network can realize CC-to-CV transition, which have the problems of complicated control and poor reliability. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a three-coil wireless battery charging system with self-adaptation to the battery charging curve. By adding an auxiliary coil and a passive rectifier bridge at the primary side, the system can automatically realize CC-to-CV transition without any additional control. The auxiliary coil is connected in parallel with the input source through a specific compensation network, and the output voltage threshold is not limited by the magnetic coupling mechanism parameter. Thus the self-adaptation to the battery charging curve is realized. Meanwhile, the proposed three-coil wireless battery charger operates at the same frequency in both charging modes, which ensures the soft switching of the inverter and the near-zero reactive power circulation of the converter, to reduce the device stress and improve the transmission efficiency. Moreover, the proposed charger has the function of automatic open-circuit protection. In this paper, the design principles and operation principle of the charger are systematically described, and an experimental prototype with 72 V/2.5 A output is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed charger.


