张辉, 王换民, 李宁, 雷艳婷, 杨帆, 刘苗苗. 电动汽车无线充电混合补偿拓扑电路分析[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(16): 71-75.
引用本文: 张辉, 王换民, 李宁, 雷艳婷, 杨帆, 刘苗苗. 电动汽车无线充电混合补偿拓扑电路分析[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(16): 71-75.
ZHANG Hui, WANG Huanmin, LI Ning, LEI Yanting, YANG Fan, LIU Miaomiao. Analysis on Hybrid Compensation Topology Circuit for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2016, 40(16): 71-75.
Citation: ZHANG Hui, WANG Huanmin, LI Ning, LEI Yanting, YANG Fan, LIU Miaomiao. Analysis on Hybrid Compensation Topology Circuit for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2016, 40(16): 71-75.


Analysis on Hybrid Compensation Topology Circuit for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles

  • 摘要: 无线电能传输补偿方式直接影响输出电流、电压的增益特性,提出一种混合补偿拓扑电路,解决负载动态变化时输出电流、电压不稳定的问题,可应用于电动汽车恒流恒压无线充电电路。对拓扑电路原副边线圈建立等效松耦合变压器T模型,分析得出等效负载动态变化时可以实现恒流恒压输出的特性。构建仿真模型和试验台架,仿真验证电路分析的正确性。实验验证了在串/并补偿拓扑下副边稳流输出且原边逆变电流滞后电压,在串/串并补偿拓扑下副边稳压输出且原边逆变电流与电压同相。


    Abstract: The compensation type can directly affect the gain characteristics of output current and voltage in the wireless power transfer(WPT).A hybrid compensation topology circuit is proposed to solve the problem of unstable current or voltage output with dynamic load.It can be applied to the constant current and constant voltage wireless charging circuit of electric vehicles.An equivalent loosely coupled transformer T model for the former subsidiary side coil is developed.It is concluded by analysis that the wireless power transfer circuit in dynamic load can realize the characteristics of constant-current and constant-voltage output.Finally,a simulation model is built and the test bench is set up to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis of the system.It is shown by experiment that a stable current output is achieved at the secondary side and the AC output current at the primary side of the inverter lags behind the output voltage waveform under the series/parallel connection compensation topology;a stable voltage output is achieved at the secondary side and the phase of AC output current and output voltage of the inverter at the primary side is zero in series/series-parallel connection compensation topology.


