金宇清, 鞠平, 刘伟航, 潘学萍. 基于量测信号扰动的DFIG变流器控制参数辨识方法[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(8): 36-42.
引用本文: 金宇清, 鞠平, 刘伟航, 潘学萍. 基于量测信号扰动的DFIG变流器控制参数辨识方法[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(8): 36-42.
JIN Yuqing, JU Ping, LIU Weihang, PAN Xueping. Parameter Identification Method for Converter Controller of DFIG Based on Measurement Signal Disturbance[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2016, 40(8): 36-42.
Citation: JIN Yuqing, JU Ping, LIU Weihang, PAN Xueping. Parameter Identification Method for Converter Controller of DFIG Based on Measurement Signal Disturbance[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2016, 40(8): 36-42.


Parameter Identification Method for Converter Controller of DFIG Based on Measurement Signal Disturbance

  • 摘要: 双馈感应发电机(DFIG)的变流控制器模型是整个机组模型中的关键部分。变流控制器的参数众多且内外环比例—积分(PI)控制器之间存在级联,常规辨识方法或遇到参数可辨识性问题,或工程实现难度较大。文中提出一种以"分步辨识、交互迭代"为特点,基于二次侧量测信号扰动的控制器参数辨识方法。该方法分别在变流控制器中各PI控制器输入端所用的量测信号上施加扰动,从而突出某个PI控制器在特定量测信号扰动下的作用,并将该PI控制器的可测量控制目标作为观测变量,进而重点辨识其参数。对于存在级联的两个PI控制器,先对后一级PI控制器所用量测信号施加扰动,同时屏蔽前一级PI控制器所用量测信号的变化,从而可实现两个级联PI控制器参数的解耦辨识。该方法可以使变流控制器中每个PI控制器的两个参数在特定的量测信号扰动下被单独辨识,有效保证了参数的可辨识性;而对于全部待辨识参数,可通过多轮交互迭代辨识进一步提高整体辨识精度。


    Abstract: The converter controller model is the key part of a doubly-fed induction generator(DFIG)model.Because of the large number of controller parameters and the series connection between the PI controllers of inner and outer control loops,the traditional identification methods have some trouble with identifiability or engineering realization.A parameter identification method is proposed based on the disturbances made on the measurement signals of secondary side,which features multi-step identification and interactive iteration.The method separately makes disturbances on the measurement signals which are used as input of PI controllers in the converter control system.These disturbances can enlarge the effect of the triggered PI controller on the response of a DFIG.Therefore,parameters of the triggered PI controller can be identified by using its measurable control target as the observation.For the series connected PI controllers,the measurement signal disturbance will be made on the latter PI controller while shielding the change of the input measurement signal of the former PI controller.Thus,the decoupling identification can be carried out on the parameters of series connected PI controllers.Using the proposed method,the two parameters of each PI controller in the converter control system can be identified separately without any identifiability problem under the certain measurement signal disturbance.And the interactive iteration of identification can further improve the identification accuracy of total parameters.


