Equivalent modeling of multi-inverters connected to the grid and optimization of resonance suppression
摘要: 多逆变器并网运行时,逆变器及电网之间相互影响,导致并网系统内部发生耦合谐振,影响系统稳定运行。为了反映多逆变器并网系统谐振特性,基于单台逆变器并网诺顿模型,充分考虑了并网系统中各相关部分对多台逆变器并网谐振特性的影响,建立相应的等值模型,并详细分析了谐振点的影响因素。通过在控制系统中采用电容串联虚拟电阻对逆变器并网系统的谐振进行抑制,提出了虚拟电阻阻值的优化取值方法,并分析了取值与等值模型谐振抑制的效果。最后,通过仿真验证了所提等值模型和优化取值方法的正确性和有效性。Abstract: When multiple inverters are connected to the grid, the interaction between the inverter and the grid results in coupling resonance in the grid connected system. This affects the stable operation of the system. In order to reflect the resonance characteristics of a multi-inverter grid connected system, this paper establishes the corresponding equivalent model which fully considers the influence of relevant parts in the grid connected system on the resonance characteristics of multiple inverters based on single inverter grid connected Norton model. It analyzes the influencing factors on the resonance point in detail. In the control system, the capacitor series virtual resistance is used to suppress the resonance of the grid connected inverter system. The optimal value method of the virtual resistance value is proposed, and the value and the effect of the equivalent model resonance suppression are analyzed. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed equivalent model and optimization method are verified by simulation.