胡海鹏, 赵平, 李妍, 侯青杏, 汪光辉, 李振兴. 计及“高龄”光伏出力衰减的配电网储能经济优化配置[J]. 电力工程技术, 2025, 44(1): 175-182. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.018
引用本文: 胡海鹏, 赵平, 李妍, 侯青杏, 汪光辉, 李振兴. 计及“高龄”光伏出力衰减的配电网储能经济优化配置[J]. 电力工程技术, 2025, 44(1): 175-182. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.018
HU Haipeng, ZHAO Ping, LI Yan, HOU Qingxing, WANG Guanghui, LI Zhenxing. Economic optimization configuration of energy storage in distribution network considering the attenuation of aging photovoltaic output[J]. Electric Power Engineering Technology, 2025, 44(1): 175-182. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.018
Citation: HU Haipeng, ZHAO Ping, LI Yan, HOU Qingxing, WANG Guanghui, LI Zhenxing. Economic optimization configuration of energy storage in distribution network considering the attenuation of aging photovoltaic output[J]. Electric Power Engineering Technology, 2025, 44(1): 175-182. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.018


Economic optimization configuration of energy storage in distribution network considering the attenuation of aging photovoltaic output

  • 摘要: 随着分布式光伏“高龄”化趋势日益凸显,大规模未配置储能的“高龄”光伏并网存在电压波动、弃光等问题,可通过合理配置储能解决。为了提升储能配置的经济性,文中提出一种考虑“高龄”光伏出力衰减的配电网储能经济优化配置方法。分析“高龄”光伏发电衰减率和投运年限对实际光伏出力的影响,构建光伏出力与储能额定功率及容量的数学关系,基于此建立含储能建设运营成本、网损成本和峰谷套利收益的全生命周期成本最小,以及配电网节点电压偏移最小的储能优化配置模型。最后,采用粒子群算法在IEEE 33节点系统上进行求解。结果表明,采用该方法后,储能建设运营成本和全生命周期成本分别降低33.91%和6.01%,证明了文中方法的经济有效性。


    Abstract: The escalating prevalence of aging distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems has given rise to challenges such as voltage fluctuations and curtailed energy production in large-scale grid-connected systems lacking energy storage. These issues can be effectively mitigated through the strategic deployment of energy storage solutions. In order to enhance the cost-effectiveness of energy storage configuration, an economic optimization method for distribution network energy storage that takes into account the attenuation of aging photovoltaic output is proposed. The impact of aging PV generation decay rate and operational lifespan on actual PV output is thoroughly analyzed, leading to the development of a mathematical relationship between PV output and rated energy storage power and capacity. Building upon this analysis, an optimization model for energy storage configuration is established with a focus on minimizing life cycle costs and reducing voltage deviations at distribution network nodes. This comprehensive approach considers factors such as construction operating costs, network losses, and peak-valley arbitrage income. Finally, particle swarm optimization is employed to solve this complex problem using the IEEE 33-node system. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve significant reductions in both operating cost (33.91%) and life cycle cost (6.01%), thereby validating its economic effectiveness.


