梁晓锐, 罗宇航, 张华赢, 涂春鸣, 刘惠聪, 郑宇婷. 基于并联涉网变流器的电能质量协同控制策略[J]. 电力工程技术, 2025, 44(1): 79-91. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.009
引用本文: 梁晓锐, 罗宇航, 张华赢, 涂春鸣, 刘惠聪, 郑宇婷. 基于并联涉网变流器的电能质量协同控制策略[J]. 电力工程技术, 2025, 44(1): 79-91. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.009
LIANG Xiaorui, LUO Yuhang, ZHANG Huaying, TU Chunming, LIU Huicong, ZHENG Yuting. A cooperative control strategy for power quality based on parallel grid-connected converters[J]. Electric Power Engineering Technology, 2025, 44(1): 79-91. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.009
Citation: LIANG Xiaorui, LUO Yuhang, ZHANG Huaying, TU Chunming, LIU Huicong, ZHENG Yuting. A cooperative control strategy for power quality based on parallel grid-connected converters[J]. Electric Power Engineering Technology, 2025, 44(1): 79-91. DOI: 10.12158/j.2096-3203.2025.01.009


A cooperative control strategy for power quality based on parallel grid-connected converters

  • 摘要: 基于涉网变流器开展电能质量问题治理可以有效利用变流器的剩余容量,提高治理效益,但其往往只考虑跟网型(grid-following,GFL)控制,未能充分发挥多种类变流器的调控潜力。文中基于GFL和构网型(grid-forming,GFM)涉网变流器并联系统,提出谐波补偿、电压跌落抑制等协同控制策略。首先,介绍涉网变流器的基本控制原理及数学模型。其次,针对并联系统公共耦合点(point of common coupling,PCC)的谐波补偿问题,提出谐波分次补偿方法,增强谐波补偿的灵活性,实现谐波电流在不同容量变流单元间的合理分摊。针对PCC电压跌落问题,将并联系统状态总结为正常运行、仅GFL变流单元参与电压支撑、GFL和GFM变流单元共同支撑3种工况。经补偿容量计算和无功功率分配,PCC电压可始终保持在额定电压附近。最后,通过仿真验证所提策略的可行性与优越性。


    Abstract: Power quality control based on grid-connected converter can effectively utilize the surplus capacity of the converter and improves the benefits. However, existing methods tend to only consider grid-following (GFL) control and fail to fully utilize the control potential of multiple converters. In this paper, a cooperative control strategy for harmonic compensation and voltage drop suppression is proposed based on a parallel system of GFL and grid-forming (GFM) converters. Firstly, the basic control principle and mathematical model of grid-connected converter are introduced. Secondly, to compensate the harmonics at the point of common coupling (PCC), a harmonic sub-compensation method is proposed. This approach can improve the flexibility of harmonic compensation and reasonably apportion harmonic between grid-connected converter of different capacities. To support the PCC voltage, the parallel system can operate in three conditions: normal operation condition, condition of GFL support voltage independently and co-supported operating condition. Through compensation capacity calculation and reactive power allocation, the voltage at the PCC can maintain near the rated voltage. Finally, the feasibility and superiority of the proposed strategy are verified through simulations.


