

Short-circuit Current Constrained Multi-time Joint Optimization of Generation Dispatch and Network Topology of the Power System with Renewable Energy

  • 摘要: 合理的短路容量水平是确保含新能源的电力系统安全稳定运行的重要基础。电网拓扑优化是一种兼具经济性和灵活性的电网短路容量改善方法。本文将电网拓扑优化加入电力系统多时段运行优化之中,提出了短路电流约束的多时段机组出力-拓扑联合优化方法,以确保系统运行方案具有合理的短路电流水平。该方法利用场景法对未来多个时段的风电最大可输出有功功率进行建模,提出了考虑节点短路电流约束的多时段机组出力-拓扑两阶段迭代优化方法。其中,第一阶段求解以支路动作成本最小为目标的拓扑优化模型,得到改善系统短路电流水平的支路开关动作方案,第二阶段求解以发电、弃风和切负荷成本最小的多时段出力优化问题,并对该求解结果进行短路电流约束校验。本文最后通过修改后的IEEE30节点系统验证了所提方法的有效性。


    Abstract: Reasonable short-circuit capacity is an important basis to ensure the safe and stable operation of power systems with renewable energy. The topology optimization is an economical and flexible method to improve the short-circuit capacity of power grids. In this paper, the topology adjustment is considered into the multi-period operation optimization of power systems, and a multi-period iterated generation dispatch and topology optimization method with short circuit current constraints is proposed to ensure a proper short-circuit capacity level of power systems. This method uses scenarios to model the future multi-period maximum wind power outputs, and proposes a two-stage iterative optimization method to solve the proposed multi-period iterated generation dispatch and topology optimization model. In the first stage, the topology optimization model aiming at minimizing the total switching costs is solved to obtain transmission switching scheme that can improve the power system short-circuit current level. In the second stage, the multi-period generation dispatch problem is solved to minimize the total costs of power generation, wind curtailment and load shedding, whose results are further evaluated by the short-circuit current constraint verification. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through the case studies of a modified IEEE 30 bus system.


